To the mom who just opened this: I get it. You're busy. You have children to take care of. Work to do. Chores to get done. And lately, fitness posts on social are, quite frankly, gettin' on your nerves because, like, do we really need another thing to do in our already busy lives?
Well, friend, I'm here to offer another perspective here along with my 5 tips below on how you can feel better today: how about we look at our health and fitness journeys from this vantage point: that we get to take care of our bodies? That working out doesn't have to always feel like a chore...That today we woke up blessed with breath in our bodies, so why not care of our mind/body/soul with intention? So that when we're old mamas in heels, we can look back with gratitude, not regret? And we can still run and play with not only our children, but great grandchildren as well?
Now that we have things into perspective on why setting fitness goals is still a very important part of our daily lives, let's get to the how.
5 Tips To Help You Look & Feel Better TODAY
Drink 1/2 Your Body Weight In Ounces of Water
For instance, if you're 150 pounds, you want to be drinking at least 75 ounces of water. And here's my MWH tip: pour it all out as soon as you wake up in the a.m. and drink a BIG gulp before coffee. You've been sleeping the past 7 hours (or 3 if you're a mom of littles like me), and your body is thirsty; it needs hydration. Trust me, your body will thank you. You'll feel less bloated, and eventually your skin will start to glow and clear too.
Add Greens to Each Meal
Whether I'm making one of my signature Green Goddess smoothies (which I always share on my Insta stories), or eating one of my MWH approved dinners, I always try to have tons of leafy green spinach and/or kale on my plate. Why? Well, these veggies are packed with antioxidants, aid in digestion; which in turn keeps your weight down and again--helps your skin to glowww. Whenever people compliment my complexion and they ask me my "secret", I tell them greens and AGUA!
And PS: be AWARE that spinach is on the dirty dozen list. So, aim to buy it organic when you can.
Move Your Body
I don't care if you want to dance. Or jog around your neighborhood. Or chase your kids for 20 minutes in the backyard. Or, if you're like me, all that mixed in with some weight training! What I do care about as a certified trainer is that you consistently move your physique for 20 minutes (on average) or more everyday. Of course, you don't want to lift very heavy every 7 days in a week. Your body needs time to rest. But I am a firm believer that our bodies were created to MOVE. So, pick a program. Put on one of my videos. C'mon girl! You won't regret it. And your body (and mood) will thank you.
Go Within
Do you have 5 minutes? Yes. You have 5 minutes. Take what I call a Mommy Time Out. Ask your partner (or wait until your babes are asleep), and go within. Take slow, deep breaths in through your nose out through your mouth. Put on some calming music. And relax. Listen. Just try to clear your mind of the clutter. When annoying thoughts like (oh I need to send that text, or I need milk) pop up in your mind, politely, but firmly, tell your mind to shut it. As mothers, we're already thinking too much. Enjoy some time with just you and God.
Write a Gratitude List
We live in a culture of MORE, MORE, MORE!! And while I'm not against dreaming big, I believe it's equally, if not more important to look around your beautiful life and find as many things to be grateful for about first. I you have food in the fridge? A good friend you laugh with til you cry? Children who adore you? A job? A career? A dream? Then, honey, you better count those blessings! Best part about it? Gratitude is free! YOU own it. And it's THE way to feel
Alright, friends, I hope this list helped you. But I am going to challenge you to really PUT IT TO WORK. I'm grateful you read the blog, but also-- use the tools!
So...what are you going to do right now? Pour your water? Write your gratitude list? Snap a photo and tag me on social sharing what tip is your favorite; I'll repost you if I see it!
PS: I am also a firm believer that failure to plan means planning to fail. And we are winners. Right? So, if you need tools--workouts, my recipes, etc. to get your most fit as a busy mom, then keep on readin'.
...I am beyond pumped because today we are kicking off my latest fitness and lifestyle challenge. I called it the Glow Up Challenge because when I think of glowing up, I think of a woman shining. A woman who is self-actualized. A woman who is healthy from the inside out. And if you're ready to feel like that, then join me the next thirty days.
You'll receive:
Full length workout videos designed to help you get fit in under 25 minutes a day
Recipes list
Beauty tips & More
Access to private community
Get all the tools you need to succeed. All I ask is for your commitment! Ready?
Love you all!
Until next post,