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DIY Clay Mask for Clear Skin

Hey ladies!

I recently tried a new face mask regimen and wanted to share the details! Lately, I've been looking into and trying more natural methods for clearing skin due to being pregnant and overall wanting a more natural, holistic lifestyle.

After researching for hours, I found that this is a great simple DIY mask recipe for a home spa day! Added bonus--it's safe for kiddos too! Just be sure to do a spot test on skin before fully applying.

Combine 2 tbsp bentonite clay, 2 tbsp of activated charcoal, and add water to create a paste. Bentonite clay is great for oily skin, detoxifying the skin, and creating an overall more vibrant appearance. Activated charcoal removes harmful bacteria from the skin, also aiding in natural detoxification and aids in a more flawless complexion.

My skin usually acts pretty well, but when I'm pregnant, my hormones are all over the place, and I have to be more intentional with my regimen.

I plan on continuing this mask regimen at least twice a week!

Ariel loves the process, and the mask making was a fun bonding experience, so we'll definitely be doing this often!

Tag me online if you try this with your little ones! @momswearheels




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