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  • Mommy Monday: Motivation For the Week

    Hey gorgeous! How are you? I hope you're ready for this week's Mommy Monday...let's get into this weeks tips to living our best lives as moms. Ready? Le'go. Spirituality: I'm starting here this week (although I typed 'motherhood' first as that's where my focus tends to begin) because we as moms have to fill our own cup up first before we can pour into our babies. Seeking God before I start and end my day is the foundation for everything else I do. I can skip a workout or a green juice here and there but my walk with God is not up for debate. Here are some things you can do with me this week to strengthen our spirituality muscle: -Begin each day with silence. Don't check your phone before you check in with your Creator. Thank Him for another day! -Read the bible at least 5 minutes a day. Please try a tangible, real opposed to an app. Trust me, the experience is different. Not sure where to start? Pray God to guide you to the right pages; trust He will. -Set your intentions for the week. What are of your life is most out-of-whack? Set concrete goals to improve. Most people don't start working on their goals because it's too overwhelming. Avoid this trap by setting micro goals--eat one bite of the whale at a time! You don't have to write the book or get the degree or fill-in-the-blank all in one day. Do a little bit every day (even if it's only 5 minutes) towards the life of your dreams. Trust me, it adds up! Motherhood I love being a mommy. Nothing compares. I am slightly obsessed with the idea of being the best mom I can be. As a result, I'm extremely hard on myself. I want to share with you something I've been doing for years that I recently read in some fancy-shmancy book as a number #1 parenting tip to confirm I was on the right track. Ready? I apologize. Yep. I admit when I'm wrong. If I have a moment (I call it a mommy time-out) and I regret how I handled a situation, I treat my kids like humans worthy of respect by sitting them down and repenting! This idea that kids don't deserve to be treated with respect is ludicrous. Kids are smart! They can smell when something's up, or when there's a double standard going on. I want my kids to like, love, and respect want to call me when they're adults. I figure being real with them (appropriately so) will help establish trust. I want them to see mom needs Jesus too, and that we never are done making mistakes. But, thank God--His grace covers our mistakes. His mercies are fresh every morning. -Lamentations 3:23. What better way to teach our kids about the Lord than to show them our humanness and our dependency on Him? Wellness What are your wellness goals for the week? What would you like to do more of, or stop doing so much of? If you're not sure where to start, I'll share with you some goals you can keep (set reminders on your phone!) that'll help steer you in the right direction: - Drink 2 liters of water daily (or about 1/2 your body weight in ounces). Pour it all out in the morning, and aim to finish it before bed. -Aim to move your body for 20 minutes 3 times or more a week. Go for walks with your kids, bike rides, turn on a fun workout video, or chase them in the yard! Make it fun. -Aim to have a green juice or smoothie daily. I have several recipes here and here and on my Instagram if you need ideas! -Sit in silence for 5 minutes a day to center yourself. I set my reminder to do this an hour before making dinner to reboot my mind before the evening. Breathe deeply. Heels What are your "heels" you're rocking this week, i.e. what goal or hobby are you setting the intention to crush this week? This can be anything from starting a garden, getting (and actually reading!) a good book, making time for your bff, starting that side get the idea. Wearing our "heels" is about us keeping our soul alive as mothers. Doing the thing(s) that light us up inside so we have energy to give to our family, community, and friends. What heel are you rockin' this week? Take a pic and tag me on social using #momswearheels so I can share! Personal Development A personal development coach I've been loving lately is the author of the High Five Habit, Mel Robbins. Check her out on social and YouTube. She a mother of three, wife, and one of the most sought after speakers. She challenges us to high five ourselves in the mirror. Why? Because self love is vital if we are going to have a great life. Too often, we look in the mirror and say what a bully would say to us. (Warning, never trash talk your body in front of your daughter; they're watching and listening!) Forget that! Life is too precious. It's time you love your body, mind, soul right where you You can be on the journey of self improvement without hating where you are right now. #selflove Alright, mamas, I hope this post served you! If it did, share it! Let's make this week amazing! Love, Monica

  • Tips on Balancing It All

    Between laundry, homeschooling, dishes, bills, and--you know--life--I try and fit in something just for me. That is usually something that is creatively inspired; like working on my home business, or learning a new craft (like sewing; which has been a lot of fun lately!). But, let's be honest here, mamas. If it were easy--balancing it all and going for what we want in life--everyone would do it. But whether you're choosing to balance motherhood and homemaking with career, hobbies, or simply taking time out of the busy day for your own self care, doing so can be challenging. In today's post, I'm offering tips I use to squeeze in time for me so I can be the best mom, homemaker, and wife I can be. Scheduling Schedule in your thing--for example--your workout. Yes, in a planner, or on your phone as an alarm. And when cousin Sue calls during your sweat time, don't use that as an opportunity to skip your workout and listen to her complain about her job again. It's funny...when we have commitments to others, we tend to show up. But for ourselves? It can be oh-so-tempting to hit the snooze. Don't fall into this trap, mamas. Schedule in that thing that matters to you. Whether it's a workout, trip to the nail salon, work thing, or simply choosing to nap when the baby naps! You matter! Setting Boundaries Any people pleasers in the house? If you are a people pleaser, the first step is admitting it. I used to fear people would think I was mean if I said no. So, I'd go along with what I intuitively knew they wanted from me to please them. And guess what? That ish backfired! They still found something to complain about or not like about me! I've since read several books on setting boundaries and invested in therapy to learn how to release the need to always make sure everyone else is okay before checking my own oxygen mask. Lesson? If it (an opportunity, play date, etc.) ain't a heck yes--it's a no. And, a reminder: Every 'yes' we give to others is a 'no' we give to ourselves and our kids. Declutter This tip is not just about decluttering your physical space--although this helps a lot too, but also decluttering your mind, soul, and spirit. What ideas or bad memories are you holding onto due to refusing to let go of the past? Pay attention to your thoughts. Pay attention to what robs you of your energy during the day. Are you holding onto resentment from abuse from your past? Are you still angry about that thing she said to you at dinner (which WAS totally rude BTW)? yourself a favor and forgive. Release. Let go. Bless them. We are all doing the best we can and if we are honest, we've made mistakes too we wish we could take back. Salvage your peace by taking control of your thought life. Alright, mamas, here's my homework for you. Grab a journal and ask yourself: What kind of life would I create if I knew I couldn't fail? What habits, ideas, or limiting beliefs are stopping me from creating my dream life? What can I let go of to make room for what I really want? Remember, when our cups are full, we can show up for our family in a way that will make our future selves proud. Keep doing the work of investing in YOU physically, emotionally, and spiritually, mom. I see you. With love, Monica

  • Mommy Motivation Monday

    Hey mamas! I thought it was time to bring back Mommy Monday here on the blog--my weekly post each full of tips, updates, tools, and resources I am using to continue the journey of becoming my best self as a homeschooling, work from home mom--everything from books I'm reading, fashion, recipes, workouts, and more. Let's go ahead and kick things off to get some mommy motivation for the week! Parenting: Homeschooling a 6 and 8 year old while nursing a toddler has kept this mama busy. Some tips that have helped me manage it all is having a routine. Each morning, the kids know what to expect and this helps immensely. I created and printed out a daily checklist, laminated it, and hung them up in our homeschool room so that before anyone can ask to use a screen, they must show mom their homework, chores, and daily hygiene has been met. I highly recommend having a system like this for accountability, order, and structure. Wellness: Lately, I've been loving to juice. It's my way of naturally detoxing my body on a daily basis. I put in 2 green apples, 2 large handfuls of kale, 1 cucumber, 1 stalk of celery, about an inch of ginger, and a lemon (organic). I use my blender, and add in 1.5 cups of water. I strain the smoothie with this (if anyone knows of a great juicer, let us know). The kids have about 4 ounces of it, and I have a large cup--about 18 ounces or so. As far as workouts, they have literally been under 10 minutes a day. When I'm in a busy season, I offer myself some grace and I don't set unrealistic standards. I created my own custom workouts for busy moms like me that uses weights and HIIT style training--this recipe has been everything! Using my MWH method has allowed me to lose the baby weight with consistent, short workouts in the comfort of my own home. If you're nervous about incorporating dumbbells into your fitness routine, don't be! Muscle burns fat, and having some muscle is what helps my metabolism stay fast. I eat well about 75% of the time, allowing the other 25% to be whatever I want. Want some ideas of quick workouts? Make sure you're subscribed here (more on the way), and my Instagram. Spirituality: I aim to start my day first with God--before I start homeschooling, making breakfast, or answering emails. It's vital I fill my cup first. What this looks like for me is prayer, reading my bible, listening for guidance with a cup of coffee (I love mine with oat milk and agave--yum!), a quick MWH workout, and a few pages of a good book. Right now, I'm reading several books, but the main one is Hold Onto Your Kids --it's been an amazing book that reminds me the importance of being my kids number 1 influence. I highly recommend it! Lastly, I have gotten back into incorporating a daily gratitude practice--each night before bed, the kids and I go over what we are most grateful for. We always say at least 3 things. I think this does wonders for your state--to consciously choose to focus on the good in life. As an achiever, it's easy to always be reaching for the next thing. Having a gratitude practice helps shield me from the ego's way of always seeking more. We have lots to be grateful for, mamas. It is my hope we can remind ourselves this often. PS I set an alarm on my phone to remind me to do this! Marriage Ahhh....marriage. Moms, I don't know about you, but after a long day of mothering, cooking, cleaning, mediating sibling disagreements, emails, work and more, I look at my husband and just want a foot rub! But when we let romance and fun fall by the wayside in our marriage, petty arguments almost always ensue. To avoid this trap, Elvis and I prioritize dating each other. At least once a week, we dress up and schedule time for just us. That usually is at home for now until (I'm hoping) we can find a consistent sitter for date night. Just like buying new workout clothes inspires me to exercise, getting some new lingerie has been a fun motivator for us in terms of having fun together. Also, a book that I have been reading to inspire me in this department is A Busy Homeschool Mom's Guide to Romance: Nurturing Your Marriage Through the Homeschool Years. It's been a great read, and I recommend whether you're homeschooling or not if you're a busy mom who wants to have an awesome marriage. Work/Life Balance The majority of the time I can squeeze in time for work, it is before the kids are up, and during our Quite Time (everyday between 2:30 and 4) when our youngest naps. If I have a lot of projects going on, I also will squeeze in time to work before bed, after the kids' bedtime. If you're having a hard time balancing work and family, try doing a time audit: look at your daily schedule and write down what you do as you do it. You may find your scrolling time has gotten out of control (or if you're like me, YouTube has been sucking a lot of time), or that you may need stronger boundaries. Learning how to say 'no', has been invaluable as a homeschooling mother. We simply cannot be everything to everyone. Ask God to help you order your priorities. Every time I do, He does! Well, there is our Mommy Monday for this week. What tip are your planning to incorporate or already doing? Let me know here or on social. Love, Monica *Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.

  • How I Make Time for Self Care As Homeschooling Working Mom

    Between homeschooling a third grader, kindergartner, and caring for a demanding (but oh-so-cute!) toddler, my hands are full (duh). Caring for my home, husband, the dishes, laundry, bills, often feels like the work never ends! Add in working from home and well...let's just say that any mom I meet asks..."Ok, how the heck are you doing it all?!" Let me preface this post by saying: there is a time and season for everything. While I was pregnant with Rafi (my youngest), I literally quit all work I had going on outside of caring for my own mind, body, spirit, kids, and home. I sensed that was all I had grace for in that season. And when I'm busier than normal at home, I still scale back from work. My priorities are clear: my family comes first. So, NO, this is not a call to do everything or be everything to everyone! But rather, to, hopefully carry the responsibility God has trusted you with in your particular season with joy, peace, and His grace. Let's get into the tips on how you can squeeze in time for self care even as a busy mom: Get Creative When I'm washing dishes, I'm listening to a podcast or audio book that feeds my soul or teaching me something (like a new language). Sure, there are days we crank up the music to blast through chores but most days? I'm listening to something life giving while I fold the 100th load of laundry. Homemaking takes an enormous amount of energy and time. Using that time to learn something new can add up to what is equivalent to a college degree in less than three years--even if you only listen to your "homework" on average thirty minutes a day. Don't Waste Time I realized soon after deciding to homeschool all the kids that I simply wouldn't have the luxury of time wasting if I still wanted to work from home and work on myself. When my own cup is full, i.e. I have taken time to fill myself spiritually with prayer, physically by doing one of my workouts (even if 5 minutes!), and emotionally by reading or listening to something educational and inspiring--I am a better mom and wife. I feel strong. I feel more ready to take on the day. So, while I may not be able to peruse social media for hours or binge watch my favorite Netflix series in the season I'm in, I get to rebrand my time for the things I value--not the things the world tells me I should value. Wake Up Before the Kids Now, this one is hard for me--particularly because Rafi is an extremely light co-sleeper, and when I get up, he is up shortly thereafter! But when I can, I squeeze in my self care--my daily quick, tough workout, time with God to read the Word and listen to His guidance, and personal development before the kids are up. When they're up--my day is simply consumed with cooking, cleaning, homeschooling, and everything else... Include the Kids When I'm making my daily smoothie? My kiddos are there, learning why we drink our daily green concoction. When I workout with them (gym class for homeschool), they are there, learning about why it's vital to exercise regularly. When I'm listening to my favorite podcast, they usually are within earshot learning what mom is learning. It's never too early, moms! It's never too early to start planting seeds your children will need when they are adults. Why not include them in your self care rituals when appropriate? MWH Homework Challenge: Grab your journal and write the answers to the following: Ask yourself, if you had an extra 30 minutes in the morning, how would you fill your cup to ensure you feel ready for the day? Make a schedule of something you can do for your mind, body, and spirit prior to your family waking up that will add to your joy and peace. Then, set the alarm and DO IT! What are the excuses you tell yourself when the alarm goes off? (I'll start tomorrow, for instance?) Plan ahead, expect to hear that voice of resistance, and decide you are going to do your work anyway. There you go, mamas. Here are some tips I use to squeeze in self care as a homeschooling, work from home mama. I hope they help you on your journey. If you try one of these tips, tell me about it on social @momswearheels. I can't wait to cheer you on! Love, Monica

  • 3 Habits of Fit Moms

    I remember that feeling...(usually about a month or two postpartum) when I would start to get the itch to get in shape again pregnancy. For each woman, the timing is different. Some women don't get the urge to exercise until 6 months after giving birth; others a year or more. That is totally fine. Your body and spirit (and doctor!) will tell you when you are ready to get back into your workout regimen postpartum. But for me, I get the urge around the time my doctor clears me to exercise again. Simply put, I feel best when my body is strong. I feel most like myself when I can workout consistently. And when I don't workout consistently, I feel lethargic, heavy, tired, and even am more susceptible to anxiety or depression. So, getting in shape is about so much more than just abs or strong arms for this mama. It's about showing up for my family in a way that is empowering. I add this as a disclaimer because I have been shamed often on social media for "rushing" my postpartum fitness journey. Yes, the "snapback" culture online can be disheartening at times but again, fitness for this mama is spiritual, emotional, and a part of my God given identity. For this reason, I continued to exercise during each three of my pregnancies --I documented it online if you want to scroll back and see. Even if I'm 60 pounds heavier with a burgeoning belly, I still walk, jog, bicep curl, and squat because fitness for me is mainly about how I feel and my health. And when I give birth, I don't rush back into the gym. I start slowly with my home workouts, adding in heavier weights as months progress. the way: You can be a fit mom and be 180 pounds. You can be a fit mom and be curvy and voluptuous. You can be a fit mom and be thin! -Being a 'fit mom' is about a state of mind, a lifestyle--not a body type. So, now that we've gotten that out of the way, I'd like to share my top three habits to be a fit mom year round! Here we go: Incorporate Your Kids I didn't rush off to join a gym after giving birth. I worked out at parks, in my living room to workouts I created, and exercised with my stroller. I got creative! Don't be too rigid with how you get your workouts in as a mother. Instead, focus on moving daily and getting a good sweat. Try home workout videos and ask older kids to join you. For little babies, aim to get your workouts in while they nap, or babywear while you squat and take walks. I know it's challenging with all the interruptions (you need water again?! lol), but let me encourage you: your working out with your kids is setting them up for healthy practices into adulthood. Their future spouses will thank you later. Have a Vision So many of my clients lament over not being able to stay motivated. They begin my program but after a week or two, fall off the bandwagon in despair. Fret not, my friend. You're not undisciplined--you need a VISION! So, take a moment and close your eyes. I want you to imagine YOU at your absolute best--body, mind, and spirit. How does the best version of you walk into a room? How does she dress? How does she eat? What kind of physical shape is she in? Get specific. Then write down YOU at YOUR best in detail in present tense. Read it daily in the morning. And your subconscious will get to work at helping you give birth to the best you. Don't Keep Crap in the House It never fails: when I keep the cookies, candy, and pizza in the house, I reach for it when I am hangry. (Hangry: hunger combined with anger and feelings of agitation). Don't keep junk in the house if you know it's a temptation for you! For example, a while back, I stopped buying any breakfast cereals. We used to have 'cereal Saturday' in our house, but before you knew it, my kids would be begging for sugary pebbles on Tuesday and I'd give in. NOT ON MY WATCH! I decided since it was such a big temptation (and thus, source of frustration) I'd simply keep it out of the house. Now, it's out of sight, out of mind. My kids no longer whine about their favorite, 40 grams of sugar "breakfast" treat. Why? Because it's not in my home. Boundary: set. There's so much more I can say about this topic, but you get the idea right? Being a fit mom is about having a healthy, happy lifestyle consistently. So, here's my homework assignment for you: I want you to do one thing towards your goal of being a fit mom consistently; every day. For me, I always have a green smoothie. What is a healthy daily habit you can do today to help you be the healthiest you? Maybe drink two liters of water? Set the goal, and like Nike says, JUST DO IT! I'll be here supporting you. Sending love your way! Monica

  • Authenticity in Motherhood

    When we were kids, the world was our oyster. We rode bikes, jumped in muddy puddles, were as creative as our little hearts desired. And then, by the grace of God, many of us became mothers. We looked in our baby's eyes and suddenly everything in our world became about them; sometimes even to our own detriment. I'm here to remind you of something today: That you can be a great mom AND still make time for things that feed your soul. You can be an amazing mother and still wear your "heels". My question for you is: what did you love to do before you were a mom that you maybe stopped due to lack of time or thinking it was "silly"? Maybe you loved to sing. ...OR make new recipes and host dinners. ...or sew, dance, write, read juicy novels for the heck of it... (You get the idea). I refer to these practices as our "HEELS"; i.e. the things we do that lead us back into our authenticity; back into alignment with who God called us to be. So as you think about those "heels" you may have put away collecting dust in the closet, check out these tips to throw them back on your feet unapologetically to start living your best life as a mother: 7 Tips to still rock your "heels" as a mom Remind yourself that motherhood does not have to equal martyrdom. You can be a great mom and still take time for self fill your cup! In fact, it's vital! Have you ever had a thousand things to do on a given day and you were running on empty? Chances are, you weren't the nicest lady (or, maybe that's just me who gets weary when overwhelmed?) Gently affirm to yourself that when you make time for things that feed your soul, you are an even better mama to those beautiful babes. Schedule time for your "heels" Make it real. Don't compare your schedule to anyone else's. Our lifestyles are far too unique to do that! Do mornings work? Evenings? Think about it. Then, schedule in your 20, 30, 45 minutes (whatever works for you--even 10 minutes are better than no minutes) in your planner, and set an alarm on your phone. Your joy tank will thank you. Set boundaries. I know, you love your friends and your family. But know that it's okay to set a boundary up. No one knows your schedule or life like you, or just how busy you may be. Turn your phone on silent during your mom time. And ask for help when needed. Kay? Kay. Don't monetize your "heels" (At least not all the time!) For instance, maybe you get paid to write. I DON'T recommend your "heels" time to be for paid content! NO! Your mom time needs to be something your soul would do FOR FREE. Better yet, it needs to be something you would PAY to be able to do! For me, that might look like a really good book and cup of chai while I hear the birds chip (BLISS), or dancing to my favorite tunes like nobody's watching. Go within. I can already hear some of you beauties. But, Monica...I don't know what to do; where do I start??! Ok, fret not. This means you may have abandoned your true self for so long that you forgot what lights you up. My recommendation here is to think back to when you were 8 or 9. What did you love to do? Garden, go to the library, bike-ride? Think back to what you loved to do before someone told you it was silly to do as an adult (PS ignore people like this; they are just upset they don't give themselves permission to be creative anymore). Then, DO THAT THING; WEAR THOSE HEELS, MAMA! Ask what you'd want for your daughter Remind yourself that when your kids are older, they will be more likely to follow your example more than your words. And I often wonder, "Would I want my daughter to quit doing what she loves to do once she has her own children and makes me a grandma?" Heck no! So, why would I? I, like I'd want for her, would want to share my authentic self with my children so their memories would be rich, irreplaceable. My hope is that my daughter has a FULL, flourishing life, where she feels free to be her authentic self, even as a happy mama. Mistakes and all, I am doing my best to show her just this. Get Creative Maybe you don't have a lot of help around the house and you fear not having time for your passions. I get it. Then girl, get creative. Can you babywear while you paint? Get your pedicure in while you give the kids a bath? Set up the sprinklers for the kids while you read? Listen to your favorite podcast while you fold laundry? I have done all this and more to get my creative time in. In fact as I write this blog, I am nursing my youngest. Don't let excuses stop you from trying. When there's a will, there's a way. ...Well, friend! I hope this post was helpful. And if you're brave and wear those "heels", i.e. take time for what feeds YOUR soul as a mom, take a pic and tag me on the 'gram. I'd love to cheer you on. Your sis, Monica

  • 4 Steps to End Self Sabotage and Crush Your Goals

    Ever since I was in my twenties, I've been obsessed with personal development. I'm fascinated at how we can know what to do for our well being, and usually (for totally subconscious reasonings), totally ignore that and self sabotage. (No judgement BTW). We're all on this journey of becoming together. As I coach more women to create the lives they love, I often lovingly confront them on why certain self-sabotaging behaviors are stopping them from having the life they claim they want. "I don't know..." they'll say. After more prodding, next I'll hear, "It's comforting..." (to grab the unhealthy coping mechanism whether that be a relationship, mood, unhealthy food, etc.). And I wonder, why do we do this to ourselves? I know I, too, still have the things I reach for when I'm dealing with anxiety or stress, but thankfully, with years of reflection, therapy, and journaling I've become more conscious of my triggers so I can better control my reaching for those self sabotaging experiences. (But let's not discuss the bag of cookies I had last night, okay? It was treat night in our challenge!). I want to share with you four things that have helped me keep self-sabotage at bay. These tips will help you succeed at your fitness, mental health, financial, and spiritual goals. My hope and prayer is that these tools save you time AND heart-ache! 4 Tools to Help End Self Sabotage Once And For All 1. Investigate Next time you're tempted to quit on your journey of becoming the best version of you, do some investigating: why did you lose your motivation? Is it impatience? Lack of resources? Comparison? Lack of faith in yourself? Once you narrow it down, reflect on why you refuse to let these things prevent you from living the life you're destined to live. For instance, "I lost motivation to lose the 30 pounds because I'm afraid it's going to take too long and be too hard. I refuse to quit on this journey because progress is inevitable if I refuse to quit and remain consistent." Journal your reflections. 2. Turn your pain into your superpower Ask yourself who broke your heart. I know...drag, right? IBut whenever I'm REALLY hard on myself, I go back to that person who broke my heart first and remind myself I'm now a grown (blank) woman who no longer needs their approval or even support. For many of us over-achievers, it's typically a parent whose approval we desperately thought we needed but never got. Fret not. There is hope. WE can now parent those broken parts of ourselves to heal. For instance, were you raised without a father in the home? Instead of taking on the "woe-is-me-daddyless-daughter-syndrome", use this to empower yourself. Reframe your story. For instance, "Every little girl deserves to be loved and cherished by her father. Not having this could've broken me, but I'm stronger, more resilient, and more brave than most because I had to be." You're a queen, woman! Act like it. 3. Forgive Are you holding onto hurts, pain, resentment, anger, or fear? If we want to succeed in our goals and dreams, we have to let that *ish gooooo. Seriously. Who are we serving by holding onto the pain of the past? Marianne Williamson once said that holding on to unforgiveness is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. I know what happened wasn't fair. But we all need grace. We all fall short. Pray to God for help letting resentment go if it's sabotaging your goals. Don't let the enemy steal one more moment of your joy. (Oh--and P.S.! Sometimes the main person we need to forgive is ourselves!) Letting go of the spiritual garbage will free up tons of energy we'll inevitably need to continue becoming our best selves! 4. Live Authentically It's very easy to sabotage a journey if it's not what our soul really wants. Are you surpressing parts of yourself that is part of your nature? What did you love to do as a child that you have written off now that you're a mom? Do you love to dance, but stopped because you're afraid you'll look silly? Do you love to paint but stopped because you had kids? Do you love to garden but quit because...who has the time? Mama, I want to encourage you. Don't. Stop. Doing. The. Things. That. Bring. You. Joy. What's the point of working so hard if our own cups are left empty at the end of the day? Remind yourself that motherhood does not have to equal martyrdom, and give yourself the gift of an hour doing something your soul loves to do. For me today, that was reading a good book with a cup of tea. #BLISS What about you? What can you give yourself permission to do that is YOU? Remember, when we're 90, we're going to want our kids to have known the real us. Not some Pinterest mom-archetype, but US! So, let's show them! You don't need a large platform with lights and a stage to feel like the star you are. DO YOU authentically and lovingly, even if it's "only" in front of your kids (the BEST audience ever). More joy comes from the latter I presume anyhow. ;) So, do me a favor and grab that journal again. And ask yourself, what do I really, really want? What would I do if I knew I couldn't fail? Then, decide you're going to do it. And come back here to this blog anytime you're tempted to quit. Because quitting is not an option, sister. Want to continue the fitness & lifestyle we're doing to become our best selves as mamas? Then grab yours FREE here, and let's do this!!!! No self-sabotaging for us this time. With lots of love, Monica

  • 5 Tips For Home Date Night

    Sometimes I can get so wrapped up in work, kids, and, well...that 100th load of laundry for the week that my weekly date night falls by the wayside. And this is a big no-no for me. Why? Because when I stop prioritizing fun into my marriage, I get agitated more easily, romance wanes, and guess who suffers? Not only the parents, but the kids! Conversely... When mom and dad are happy, connected, and satisfied the whole family wins! But, how do we make time and energy for dating our spouse when we already have such busy, full lives? ...By doing date night--you guessed it--at home! Doing so will save you time, money, and energy. Here are my top tips to make date night fun at home: 1. Get dressed up I'm not saying you need to dress in high heels (although that doesn't hurt). But I am saying to put extra effort into your style. Normally, I'm running around in yoga pants and no makeup because...#momlife. But for date night? I whip out a dress that's been collecting dust in my closet, a pair of heels, and some lipstick I wouldn't normally rock at a playdate. Show your partner you care about how he sees you by dressing up for him even though you'll be staying home. 2. Get the kids to bed on time Save money by not having to hire a sitter and simply ensure kids are sleeping before date night begins. The day of your date night, take the kids out to the beach or park to ensure they are good and tired when bedtime arrives so you know they'll be sleeping in time for date night. My kids can smell something's up and will try to stay up past bedtime on our date nights, so having this tip really saves me. Follow your typical nighttime routine (dinner, bath, reading, prayer, sleep!), and then get ready for your date! 3. Don't Netflix and Chill You just got dolled up. Why have him stare at the TV? Don't waste that outfit, mama. Try more engaging, fun activities like making a picnic in the living room, playing board or card games, cooking a fancy meal together, or ordering in one of your favorite meals. Light candles, put on romantic jazz--set the mood! It's your home--you can do whatever you like. 4. Don't talk business I'm always tempted to talk kids, business, or other household convo when I finally have a moment with the hubbs. Fight this urge if you do too. Aim to discuss things you'd discuss if it were, say...on your first or second date... like current interests, hobbies that are exciting you, future plans, etc. Ask questions and be interested in your partner! The worst thing is when two people in a relationship act like they know all there is to know about the other. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are all always growing, changing, and evolving. Discuss things you know your parnter is interested and excited about, and he'll return the favor. 5. Schedule Home Date Nights Regularly If it's not on the calendar, it ain't real. Seriously, we have to carve out time for what matters to us. Decide on a schedule that works for your family. Perhaps once a week, every Friday night at 10 PM. Do what works for you, but be consistent and specific! Don't say "we'll have date night this month". Plan the days, time, and activities ahead of time and keep that time sacred (no answering the phone or scrolling when you're with your boo, kay?) Are you going to try a date night at home? Already doing so and have your own tips to share? Then let me know! And if you enjoyed this post, be sure to get my MWH Mommy Makeover Challenge! It has all the workouts and mom life tips you need to snatch that sexy back post baby. Love ya! Monica

  • The Morning Detox Drink You Need to Try

    Hey mama! I’ve been drinking this morning detox drink for months, have experienced great results and am excited to share it with YOU today! 7 Amazing benefits of celery juice includes: 1. Alkalizing benefits (an alkaline diet is linked to longer life) 2. Improved digestion 3. Weight Loss 4. Natural Detox 5. Helps protect liver & flushes toxins out 6. Clears skin 7. Anti Inflammatory Simply combine one organic celery stalk, 1.5 cups filtered water, and blend until smooth. Strain if you don’t have a juicer. WATCH VIDEO TUTORIAL HERE Share this post with your BFF and invite her over to toast this drink together 🥂 Need some awesome, busy mom friendly workouts to accompany healthy living? Check out my new workout membership below. Sending love your way! Monica #Detox #AlkalineDiet #Healthylifestyle #CeleryJuice #Recipe #Momblogger #Momlife #MomsWearHeels #MorningRoutine #DetoxDrink #HealthyRecipes

  • 7 Minute Home Workout Video to Tone Your Entire Body (VIDEO)

    There's nothing like getting a great sweat in to start (or end) your day. Getting in great workout leaves you feeling strong, accomplished, energized, and more confident. But what about us ladies who don't have hours to spend getting ready & driving to the gym, registering our kids in childcare, and commuting back home? Get ready to save time, money, and energy by getting in this great workout in the comfort of your own home (kids invited). I created workouts even the busiest mama can do that burn fat, build lean muscle, and increase energy! Like this workout? Do me a favor and share it online tagging me @momswearheels. Want more workouts to look and feel your best as a BUSY mom? JOIN TODAY! Let's make it an amazing week! Monica

  • My Secret All Natural Detox Drink

    Ok, ladies--I have been drinking what I consider my "miracle juice" almost daily now for months consistently, and have been seeing serious benefits--my skin is more vibrant, my energy is THROUGH THE ROOF, and more. I want to share it with your beautiful self now. It's an all organic, apple cider vinegar blend that is designed to: Help you flush out toxins and naturally detox chemicals out of your body Aid in digestion, and thus weight loss Balance blood sugar levels (diabetic friendly!) Increase energy Clear your skin Fight colds and allergies And much, much more! And...disclaimer. This drink isn't going to detox away a bad diet or lack of exercise. I'm not selling that here. You need to pair this drink with a healthy lifestyle to reap its benefits. Ok? Ok. Here's what you'll need: 8-10 oz of filtered water 1-2 tbsp of ACV (organic with the mother) Dash cayenne pepper 1/2 juice of squeezed lemon Dash tumeric Mix well, and drink immediately, preferably before a meal in the morning or evening. I don't recommend consuming this at night, as lemon is linked to increasing your ENERGY due to its citrus. But if you fall asleep easily, do you! A few additional notes: I don't recommend taking this if you are expecting. You don't need to detox if you are expecting (but ALWAYS consult with your physician FIRST). I am still nursing my youngest, but he is older (almost two), so I am confident to detox naturally like this. Again, check with your doctor to see if detoxing is okay for you. All the ingredients in this ACV drink are NATURAL. So, I drink this 5 times per week. Try this a few times a week and if you like the results, you can increase to 5 times per week, and daily if desired. Try this and tag me on the 'GRAM if you do! Get ready to GLOW, girl! Cheers!

  • 5 Tips To Succeed in Our Smoothie Challenge + Extra Recipe

    We start our 7 Day Smoothie Challenge tomorrow--Monday; are you beauties ready? If you haven't seen the first post, check it out where I outline what it all entails. Many of you have decided to join my family and I on this journey, and I am so excited for all the beautiful results we are going to get as a community! #whoopwhoop I've checked out your questions on social concerning the challenge and wanted to hop on here to answer them, and offer some additional tips to boss the next 7 days of your health and wellness journey. Here we go: 5 Tips To Succeed In Our Smoothie Challenge (+ an additional simpler Recipe) Don't Skimp Out On The Greens If you're new to having smoothies as a lifestyle, you may feel squeamish about adding anything green into our blends--don't! If we are only consuming the fruits, seeds, etc. in our MWH Green Goddess blend, we are missing out on one of the main reasons smoothies are so beneficial--we get to pack in the superfoods like greens that aid in digestion, pack in antioxidant power, clear skin, and lead to longer life. Sure, fruits are great too--their nature's dessert--but veggies are even more important to consume. Think of it this way: do you want your kiddos to eat their veggies? Then we have to do it too, mamas! Fret not, I have a solution for those of you who say: But Monica, I can't eat those green smoothies; I gag! Skip out on adding greens like wheat grass, kale, or spirulina. Simply plan on adding spinach. Why? Spinach is practically tasteless. This means that you can pack in two solid cups of it into our smoothies and not taste the bitterness at all. Try it! Know Your Why Why are you taking on this challenge? Do you want to tone your stomach? Teach your kids healthy habits? Increase the days of your life by eating living, whole foods? Get clear! And every time you are tempted to quit, remind yourself why you are choosing the pain of discipline over the pain of regret (Jim Rohn). It may help to write this and paste it somewhere you see it often, such as your refrigerator. Sweat Everyday You don't have to do a one hour rigorous workout to get healthy, fit, and feel good. We simply need to move our bodies consistently. Aim to sweat daily on this challenge. This could be in a plethora of ways --a family stroller jog at the park, a quick 10 minute workout video, or doing a deep clean on the house while baby wearing (one of my faves). As mentioned on the previous post, you can join the MWH Challenge and get access to my private workout library and join me on that as well. Whatever you choose--don't overcomplicate it--just choose to move your body until it sweats! Share Your Journey Invite your friends on this journey with us! Studies show that we are much more likely to stick with a fitness regimen or healthy habit when we're held accountable. Tag your friends on my social posts and encourage them to subscribe here and take the MWH 7 Day Smoothie Challenge too! Be a leader in your community and let your healthy habits spark a flame in your friends, family, and community. If you are comfortable, share your journey on your social platforms and announce--I'm taking @momswearheels 7 Day Smoothie Challenge! Take a photo each day of your beautiful concoction. Notice on day 7 how proud you are of yourself! Consistency in healthy habits build confidence. For Nursing Moms I am still nursing my youngest, Rafi too. Refer to the first post for additional info on the challenge if you have not already. Please note that I do not count smoothies as meal replacements. I typically consume them with my breakfast, such as 2 slices of Ezekiel bread and eggs, or oatmeal. As a nursing mom, I especially look at food as a source of fuel! Nursing burns 250-500 calories a day, so we need to eat plenty to keep producing that leche. Whether you're nursing or not, never ever take on a fitness journey from a mindset of deprivation. I encourage us all to eat lots of quality calories! Don't skip meals or breakfasts ever. I invite you to eat 5 meals, or times, per day (our smoothie being one of those times). My family typically eat three meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) along with two snacks throughout the day, such as my green smoothie or trail mix. Now that we've gone over some additional tips to help you succeed on this challenge, let me offer another smoothie recipe. This one is for those of you who commented on my IG post that you were new to smoothies and wanted a simpler version so you could still complete the challenge. Try this version of my signature MWH Green Goddess to still get extraordinary results of clear skin, weight loss, and increased energy: MWH Green Goddess (simpler version) 1 c water 1 c strawberries 2 c spinach 1 banana 3/4 c Greek Yogurt OR 3 tbsp hemp seeds if vegan Blend on high for one minute or until smooth. Alright mamas, clean your fridges, and order your healthy ingredients to boss this challenge. I can't wait to see your posts! Let me know how it goes! Cheers to beauty, health, and happiness. Monica

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