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5 Tips To Succeed in Our Smoothie Challenge + Extra Recipe

Kids Can Join Too!

We start our 7 Day Smoothie Challenge tomorrow--Monday; are you beauties ready?

If you haven't seen the first post, check it out where I outline what it all entails.

Many of you have decided to join my family and I on this journey, and I am so excited for all the beautiful results we are going to get as a community! #whoopwhoop

I've checked out your questions on social concerning the challenge and wanted to hop on here to answer them, and offer some additional tips to boss the next 7 days of your health and wellness journey.

Here we go:

5 Tips To Succeed In Our Smoothie Challenge (+ an additional simpler Recipe)

Don't Skimp Out On The Greens

If you're new to having smoothies as a lifestyle, you may feel squeamish about adding anything green into our blends--don't! If we are only consuming the fruits, seeds, etc. in our MWH Green Goddess blend, we are missing out on one of the main reasons smoothies are so beneficial--we get to pack in the superfoods like greens that aid in digestion, pack in antioxidant power, clear skin, and lead to longer life. Sure, fruits are great too--their nature's dessert--but veggies are even more important to consume. Think of it this way: do you want your kiddos to eat their veggies? Then we have to do it too, mamas! Fret not, I have a solution for those of you who say: But Monica, I can't eat those green smoothies; I gag! Skip out on adding greens like wheat grass, kale, or spirulina. Simply plan on adding spinach. Why? Spinach is practically tasteless. This means that you can pack in two solid cups of it into our smoothies and not taste the bitterness at all. Try it!

Know Your Why

Why are you taking on this challenge? Do you want to tone your stomach? Teach your kids healthy habits? Increase the days of your life by eating living, whole foods? Get clear! And every time you are tempted to quit, remind yourself why you are choosing the pain of discipline over the pain of regret (Jim Rohn). It may help to write this and paste it somewhere you see it often, such as your refrigerator.

Sweat Everyday

You don't have to do a one hour rigorous workout to get healthy, fit, and feel good. We simply need to move our bodies consistently. Aim to sweat daily on this challenge. This could be in a plethora of ways --a family stroller jog at the park, a quick 10 minute workout video, or doing a deep clean on the house while baby wearing (one of my faves). As mentioned on the previous post, you can join the MWH Challenge and get access to my private workout library and join me on that as well. Whatever you choose--don't overcomplicate it--just choose to move your body until it sweats!

Share Your Journey

Invite your friends on this journey with us! Studies show that we are much more likely to stick with a fitness regimen or healthy habit when we're held accountable. Tag your friends on my social posts and encourage them to subscribe here and take the MWH 7 Day Smoothie Challenge too! Be a leader in your community and let your healthy habits spark a flame in your friends, family, and community. If you are comfortable, share your journey on your social platforms and announce--I'm taking @momswearheels 7 Day Smoothie Challenge! Take a photo each day of your beautiful concoction. Notice on day 7 how proud you are of yourself! Consistency in healthy habits build confidence.

No Signs Of Weaning Anytime Soon!

For Nursing Moms

I am still nursing my youngest, Rafi too. Refer to the first post for additional info on the challenge if you have not already. Please note that I do not count smoothies as meal replacements. I typically consume them with my breakfast, such as 2 slices of Ezekiel bread and eggs, or oatmeal. As a nursing mom, I especially look at food as a source of fuel! Nursing burns 250-500 calories a day, so we need to eat plenty to keep producing that leche. Whether you're nursing or not, never ever take on a fitness journey from a mindset of deprivation. I encourage us all to eat lots of quality calories! Don't skip meals or breakfasts ever. I invite you to eat 5 meals, or times, per day (our smoothie being one of those times). My family typically eat three meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) along with two snacks throughout the day, such as my green smoothie or trail mix.

Now that we've gone over some additional tips to help you succeed on this challenge, let me offer another smoothie recipe. This one is for those of you who commented on my IG post that you were new to smoothies and wanted a simpler version so you could still complete the challenge. Try this version of my signature MWH Green Goddess to still get extraordinary results of clear skin, weight loss, and increased energy:

MWH Green Goddess (simpler version)

  • 1 c water

  • 1 c strawberries

  • 2 c spinach

  • 1 banana

  • 3/4 c Greek Yogurt OR 3 tbsp hemp seeds if vegan

Blend on high for one minute or until smooth.

Alright mamas, clean your fridges, and order your healthy ingredients to boss this challenge. I can't wait to see your posts! Let me know how it goes!

Cheers to beauty, health, and happiness.



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