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  • Her Arms Are Strong For Her Tasks...

    She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. Proverbs 31:17 ...Many of you know I have been doing an in-depth bible study on my hero, the Proverbs 31 woman. And the past few weeks I've been reflecting a lot on this verse in particular, listed above--specifically: her arms are strong for her tasks. I mean, I just love this. The Proverbs 31 woman is an amazing balance of different archetypal identities: she's a wife, mother, business woman, creative worker (I mean she even sews her own bed spreads!), and so much more. One of my roles in life is as a certified fitness trainer. I love to sweat. I love to feel strong. I love to take care of my body, mind, and spirit so I can--well, feel good and give my family, and you guys--the MWH community, the best me I can be. And when I'm meditating on this line--I am immediately energized and inspired. I imagine a woman who knows like she knows like she knows her identity in Christ--her priorities are in His order (bringing Glory to His name), and she ain't lazy!!! As a life coach, I am a natural encourager. The hardest thing for me about helping others realize their potential is when I coach someone who I can sense is not ready to do the work. Being a coach is my gift; I can see someone's potential before they can. But I've had to learn that it is up to that person to allow God's highest vision for them to motivate them to GET UP. To get off the couch. To turn on the workout. To start running towards the best version of themselves. God's gives us the gift of self-will. Unfortunately, many of us use this to run from God's best for our lives. Proverbs 31 includes this line that her arms are strong, I believe, to help illustrate her incredible work ethic. I can't tell you how many times in my journey others would judge and criticize me for my ambition--almost looking at me as if I was an alien not using my kids as an excuse to skip workouts, not make the business, not create a destiny for myself outside of motherhood. Funny thing is, I wish they knew that God despises laziness. The more He has entrusted for you with (i.e. your gifts and talents, the more that is required of you). God is not glorified when we sit stagnant, not utilizing our talents and potential...but on top of that--those who have the audacity to slander others for their grind? Wheww! Lord, have mercy on them. If you've been gifted with strength to work, do it! Don't complain one more second that you don't have time. Please. The same clients who tell me they don't have time I ask them how much time they've spent on YouTube, Instagram, and Netflix that week. Their face usually stiffens at that point. C'mon ladies. It's time we stop watching others thrive and we invite the Holy Spirit into our hearts to help transform us into the best versions of ourselves. I know it's not easy. But neither is sitting on the sidelines watching everyone else shine while you know God has given you ideas to bring forth and share as well. I don't know what gifts God is asking you to cultivate this season. But I DO know you have some if you're breathing. So, to conclude. The Proverbs 31 woman...her arms needed to be what? Strong for the tasks--what tasks do your arms need to be strong for? Caring for your children, doing your house work, carrying the groceries up the stairs, going after your dreams...and no one is going to come and make you be a beast in your life for you. Sorry sis. That is on us. Life can be hard at times. I invite you to meditate on this verse with me in Proverbs 31. Ask God to help you bring forth the qualities of a woman with discipline. You are more than a conquerer! If you need help getting started, I got you. I have fitness solutions here for the busiest of moms, and a few slots available for mentorship (life and business coaching). Making the decision is the first step. Then, it's having a plan. Because... A goal without a plan is just a wish. Love y'all! Monica

  • Motherhood NOT Martyrdom; Finding Balance With Motherhood and Your Dreams

    Ever since becoming a mother I have been reflecting on this question: What is that balance between being the BEST moms we can be yet NOT completely losing ourselves in the process? How do we manage to keep some gas in the tank just for us; our dreams, our goals, our mothers with all the overwhelming responsibility of, well, raising the next generation? This is no small question. And so this will be no small answer. But, here's a blog post that'll hopefully get us closer to discovering these answers for our own families. I have been blessed and trusted with responsibility of raising 3 children. And with my amazing role as a mother, I've also been trusted with gifts, talents, creativity--we all have. Our gifts, by the way, are the things we do with the least amount of effort. It's our job to discover and hone our gifts; doing this unleashing our true potential, and glorifies God. The challenge we all face as mothers is figuring out what amount of energy to place in certain compartments of our lives; depending on the season. For example: when you have a newborn, you most likely won't be called by God to put more energy into growing your business. Or, another example, when you are breastfeeding, you may not be called to get your body fat percentage down to 8% (doing this robs you and baby of precious milk. If you want to know how I'm safely losing weight and maintaining my supply, check out this post). Here's the thing-- The fact that 1) we all have very unique lifestyles and 2) we all are in different seasons in our lives and 3) we all have VERY unique gifts and anointing-- it would be not only futile, but dangerous to compare your lifestyle to ANYONE else's. This means that what works for Suzy in terms of finding balance between being a great mom and going after her dreams and nurturing her creative juices may indeed work for her, but most likely won't work for you. We all have unique blueprints necessary for success and, well, a good life. So, what do we do then to answer the question: how do we go after our dreams and be the best moms we can be? To start the quest to find the answer for you, it's imperative that you go within to discover your own answers. Have the courage to get quiet, ask God the questions you are longing to hear answered, and LISTEN. Seriously...listen. A lot of the women I coach do not like when I give them this direction. Many prefer a 'one size fits all' sort of quick fix with life's most challenging questions. But embarking on this journey of trusting yourself and partnering with God will reap better results than copying someone else's idea of a balanced lifestyle. Trust me on this one. So, let's start here: What can you do today--even if just 10 minutes after you get the kids to bed--that invests in one of your dreams, goals, or creative urges? For instance; can you begin the research on how to start that blog? Can you discipline yourself to read that book collecting dust on the shelf instead of Netflix and chilling? Or can you do a quick workout to invest in your physical well-being? Refuse to allow yourself to be overwhelmed with the question posed above. Instead, go within, ask God to partner with you in finding your family's version of balance, and begin. Today. Just START! After a long day of investing in your beautiful family (and for some, a career too), invest in YOU, mom. Remember, even 5 minutes is better than no minutes in terms of filling your cup. XO, Monica Like this post? Watch my TEDx talk where I go into the topic of finding balance as mother in more detail.

  • Wear Your Own Size Heels (How To Find Your Real Purpose in Life)

    Sis. Sisssss.... I've been meditating a lot on the art of being yourself, and how we are often deceived into forfeiting our destiny because of others not understanding our authenticity OR our divine assignment. (Or, lack of self awareness... but more on this below). Lemme 'xplain. The enemy to our purpose can come in many forms. It may come in the form of someone you care about making it clear they disapprove of your decisions (You're wearing that? You're friends with her? Your dating who? You're blogging about that?!) The list goes on. The danger in taking someone else's opinion (even if this someone loves you and pleads they "know" what's "best" for you) and using it to determine the course of your life is that: They don't know what's best for you. 99% of people on this Earth barely know what's best for them. Sorry to break it to you if this is a new revelation in your life. SO-- if we can't rely on others around us to mirror who we are, what do we do then?! How are we to manage this crazy circus called life and live our unique purpose? Well, friend, you're in luck. I have some ideas for you that have helped me along my journey. Take 'em. Leave 'em. If they help you, share 'em! Here we go: 4 Tips to Help You Discover Your Own Size Heels in Life Know Thyself Do you know you? Do you know who God created you to be? Not who your father, mother, or the lady at the corner store thinks you should be? If not, here's a hint on how you can know yourself more intimately: who were you when you were a kid? ...before people older and "wiser" told you they knew better for your path than you? Did you naturally lead? Did you dance like no one was watching? Were you the organizer? ...the encourager? Think back to when you were the happiest--when you woke up excited about your life. And do those things again! (As long as, of course, they cause no harm to others!) Release the Lies Have you ever been attacked for being too ___________ (fill in the blank)? Unfortunately, many people close to you can plant seeds of doubt in your mind, causing you to abandon your true identity when they harshly judge you for your natural inclinations (for being you). For instance, I was often punished from some people in my life for being "too ambitious as a mom" (what the helicopter does that even mean? Does being a mother change your anointing? NO.) God revealed to me that He loved who I was and that I was, in fact, designed to glorify Him with that strength, and that certain people who were not living their purpose were turned off by that. See those two "truths"? HUGE DIFFERENCE. Choose the truth that resonates with your heart; release the lies. What were you told? ...That you were too loud? ...Too disorganized? Friends--know yourself. Claim your power. They're (critics, strangers, people from your past) not strong enough to define you. That's an inside job. (Have no idea where to start here? Try the Meyer's Briggs personality test--it's fun, free, and if you answer honestly, will give you some words that'll help shape your identity). Embrace Your Own Size Heels This is the fun part. Once you take some time to look into your past (what did I enjoy as a kid; who am I naturally), release the lies that are in conflict with that TRUTH, now you get to go shopping, girl!! Okay, this is a metaphor, but now you get to try on YOUR OWN SIZE HEELS. Slip 'em on, practice your catwalk. Just like in Cinderella, your heel is yours, girl. No one is coming in to "steal your prince", lol. In other words, no one can steal your destiny because God didn't make them to fit your shoes! He only offers grace to that which HE anoints! Stop trying to be like anyone else but your beautiful self. Be Savage with Boundaries I didn't say be a mean person. But be stern. Once you know who you are and who God created you to be; it may be time to revoke access to anyone who does not support or love that version of you. How do you know if they do? Well, God's given us the gift of discernment; you will feel it. And, if they poke fun at your anointing? Big giveaway--they aren't your fans. Just like how a mother protects her baby in utero, it is our duty to protect our dreams; our destiny. Don't just give anyone access into your ultrasounds! LOL. Only let those in who have earned your trust. Everyone else will have to watch on the sidelines and see the miracles God works in your life. Remember this. If you are depressed, sad, or lethargic for when you wake up after a good night's sleep, that's a sign you're not on the right path; the path God has for you. Partner with Him, do some soul searching, be honest, and give yourself a hug. I'll leave you with this African proverb: “When there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do you no harm.” Stay strong, friends. The world needs your light. -Monica

  • Faith Over Fear

    She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. -Proverbs 31:25 I have been meditating on the Proverbs woman for a while. I've been wanting to write about my reflections on her and how she inspires me for months, but waited until I felt it was the right time to share. Well, friends, God said NOW is that time. In prayer, He revealed to me how many women and mothers (how many people overall) are struggling right now with overwhelming anxiety, hopelessness, and fears of the future. He also revealed to me that my hope, joy, and faith I have been feeling? Are gifts from Him. ...Gifts and rewards due to my spending so much time in the Word, seeking authentic relationship with Him. And I was also told that if I keep this--my hope, faith, joy--to myself--that I'd miss what having a community, a ministry, is all about. So, if you've been feeling anxiety because of all the unknowns in your life, sit back, grab a tea, and check out why I, like my hero, the Proverbs 31 woman, am laughing at the days to come. My hope is that my tips comfort you, and that you try incorporating them into your life if you aren't already. Prioritize God Each morning, I aim to give God my first--my thoughts, my mood, my ideas--and ask Him for guidance. I do this by meditating on His Word, sitting in quiet solitude, and letting the Holy Spirit speak to me and change me. I cannot tell you how much this alone has served me in my life, specifically in the area of making decisions. I remember having a cup of coffee with God one morning, and Him telling me to pull Eliel out of school to homeschool him. Logically, this made absolutely NO sense. I mean, I was VERY pregnant with my third baby, and was also working from home as a lifestyle coach. But the Holy Spirit speaks to the heart, not the mind. Thankfully, I was obedient. Everyone told me I was nuts for deciding to homeschool with my lifestyle, and not even a year later, news broke that Covid was here. You see, when you trust God, when people judge you, you will laugh. Why? Because God shares things with his children when they prioritize Him. Which brings me to the next point: Care About How God Thinks of You (Not the World) One day they like you--the next they don't. People are fickle; they change like the wind. You want to know who won't? God. He is the most stable, loving, caring "person" in my life. This is why I prioritize my relationship with Him over everyone else. But when I was younger, I was a people pleaser. I'd go out of my way to ensure they liked me; regardless of the emotional pain it caused me. Ooooh chile, but when I deepened my relationship with the Lord?...He grew me up! I no longer really care when people reject me. I know 1) God may have needed to remove them from my life or maybe 2) God was giving me tougher skin. I've just learned that as long as I'm doing my best to be obedient, repent when wrong, and live righteously, He has my (and my family's) back! And that a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised, but fearing man? actually a sin. Check your motives and be clear you are doing your works first for the Kingdom; not for culture's approval. Regularly Detox From Social Media & the News I won't go into this in too much detail (because I've spoken about this a lot here on the blog), but if you're constantly paralyzed by fear, you may need to limit your social media usage or ask yourself if you are watching too much of the news. I learn as much as I need to learn about the current state of affairs and keep it moving as to not overload myself with sensationalism. And, I also take breaks from social sites to be (all the more) present with my children and husband. They are my first ministry. Strengthen Your Prayer Life Where my prayer warriors at? Seriously, the bible is clear on this: it states that we are to pray unceasingly. This means we are to meditate on God's word. To be honest, I was disheartened when I began going to church years ago because I saw such a hypocritical lifestyles: people who highlighted their bible like crazy, but were not being transformed by the word (I'm not talking about someone being perfect. We will always fall short, and that's why we rely on Jesus. I'm referring to a sharp contrast in behaviors here with no accountability). When we pray with a sincere heart, it's inevitable; you CAN expect to hear from God. Thing is; do you really want to hear what He has to say? If you do, are you willing to be obedient? You can expect clear guidance to come as a reward from a strong prayer life which definitely helps replaces fear with faith. Repent & Forgive If you're lacking peace, it may be because you are holding on to pain from your past. Do you need to forgive yourself for past mistakes? Do you need to forgive others who've wronged you? If you're human, chances are; both are true. Most importantly, however--have you repented for what God has revealed about your wrongdoings? God rarely talks to us about others need to change when we walk a sincere path with Him. He is far more interested in our salvation than condemning others. It may sting a little (okay, actually, more like break your heart), when you see some of the errors from your lifestyle, but the Good News is that you will have more peace if you are sincere. You will sleep well again. And you will be forgiven! There you have it, friends. These are some tools I use consistently to laugh at the days to come. Remember, when we put our priorities in order, God will give us peace. But if we're not living in accordance to His best for us, we suffer unnecessary burdens. My prayer for you and I is that we keep our eyes and hearts on what truly matters. Did this post help you? Please share it! And consider donating to show support if so. These actions help me create more content like this for our community. Sending love and light your way! Monica

  • 5 Things That Made Me A Happier Homeschooler

    I love homeschooling. Like, love. Are there challenging moments when I question my sanity at choosing this lifestyle? Certainly. But, gratefully, the love I have for this magical process of teaching (and learning with) my kids outweighs any challenges that arise on the journey. So, while I Eliel (7), Ariel (4), and Rafael (9 months) are playing construction together in the living room during "brain break", in this post, I will share with you my top 5 tips that have helped my tremendously in being a consistently happy homeschooler. Here we go: 5 Tips to be a Healthier, Happier Homeschooler 1. I've given up the idea of my home being perfectly clean all the time. I'm a gal who loves a clean home. Seeing my home clean, organized, and beautiful makes me feel calm, happy, and peaceful. But with three kids and a very full life, I've realized some of my standards need adjustment. The season I'm in right now calls for simplicity (as much as possible). It calls for the ability to go with the flow. To loosen up type A behaviors. My home is not an absolute mess (that'd wreak havoc on my mental state), but having every inch perfectly tidy? That's no longer a value of mine. I now let the kids keep their toys out during the day. They tidy them up during their evening routine. I don't freak out if the dishes aren't done before bed. On days I'm exhausted, I wash the big items (blender, pots, pans), and leave the rest for the following day. I've decided that when I'm 90, I'd prefer to have more happy memories (even if they're messy at times) than a perfectly tidy home. We also balance this with the next tip! 2. I have the kids help during chore time Ariel and Eliel help load the laundry, fold and put away their clothes. They help sanitize all the groceries we get before we put them away. They clean mirrors; help make the bed. One of our mantras in our home is "Everything has a home". I love teaching them the value of organization and discipline in daily life. I know it'll serve them when they're adults! And having them help out appropriately ensures I am not feeling resentful for doing more than I feel is fair. 3. We make homeschooling FUN! Ok. One of my favorite aspects of homeschooling is my ability to be a KID again with my kids! Dancing, painting, playing sports, read-aloud time--aaaahhh!...I love these things as much as they do. Lol. So I give myself permission to make teaching my kids FUN. Any time I start to get frustrated, I quickly remind myself that I am creative enough to make the process exciting. My goal is to create beautiful memories with my children; not just fill their brains with information. 4. We make our homeschooling journey authentic I've bought and read all the homeschooling books. I get great value from all of them. Two of my mentors are veteran homeschooling/mompreneur moms too! I love learning how other amazing moms are balancing it all. I also understand that my lifestyle is insanely unique. (All of ours is). And what works or worked for someone else; may not work for my family in the season we're in. Tailoring our curriculum has been huge for our success. I haven't found one style of homeschooling that fits all of our needs, so I blend 'em and make it our own! For instance, I am incorporating entrepreneurial work for Eliel in with Math. I incorporate Bible Study in with Good Citizenship. And we create our own affirmations, workouts, and other creative ventures for my business; Moms Wear Heels (the membership). (If you and your family want tools to live healthy happy lifestyles, you can join here limited time). My goal for homeschooling is to give my children all the tools they need to thrive. Which brings me to my last point in this blog... 5. Understanding each one of my children's learning styles and gifts ...Has helped tremendously. Eliel? Has to be active. Like, really active. He jumps on our trampoline, for instance, while I read a loud. I've also noticed he has an insane ability to memorize everything! Ariel on the other hand? Needs more quiet time to be her beautiful, creative, introverted self. She creates things many wouldn't dream of. Rafi? He's in that stage where he's just soaking up the world around him. My job as their parent is to pay close attention to where their gifts are, and to acknowledge, nurture them. Each person born in this world is given gifts unique to them. Can you imagine trying to teach a fish how to fly? Exactly. This is how it feels to a soul when we try to fit them into a life not meant for them. Catering our curriculum to fit each one of my children's unique gifts will aid them in living our their destiny. Ok. Rafi is ready to nurse. And Eliel is ready to make his volcano for science. And Ariel is demanding I watch her practice her arabesque in ballet. In other words, motherhood calls! Thank you for being a part of this community, and for sharing this post with other mamas! Doing so helps support me to keep creating more content like this. Love you all!! xo, Monica

  • Feeling Down? This Will Help You Get Your Power Back

    Finding it harder than usual to be motivated? I get it. There's a lot going on in the world right now. So much so that it can really not only distract us from our goals of being the best versions of ourselves, but downright take the wind right from underneath our sails. One scroll on your social media feed, and sadness and anger can well up in your throat with all the social injustice, threats to our health, and constant alerts aiming to keep us anxious. But we can't stop pursuing what is in our hearts. We can't stop bringing joy into our homes. We owe it to the victims we are praying for daily who have not been so lucky to wake up next to their own loved ones today to live what God has placed inside of us. ...To share our gifts with the world. Sigh. I know it's not easy. I am always wishing, praying, the world we lived in was better. That we weren't still dealing with so much ignorance. It breaks my heart that even now, in 2020, we are still dealing with racism and inequality. But it's a fact right now; we are. It's also a fact that we are constantly being inundated with news about the corona virus. But I want to share with you some tools I've been using to refuse to allow sadness rob me of this life. Here we go. 3 Tips to Get Your Power and Motivation Back Control what you can control I can't control where the virus goes next. I can't control how others treat innocent people in the world today. But you know what I can control? How I respond. How I pray. How I tithe. How I eat. How I move my body. How I treat my husband, children, family. We have so much in our control that can help alleviate the mental fatigue and sadness that is bound to try to steal your joy and appreciation. But trust me! How you fuel your body matters. Junk food leads to lower moods, and increased sadness (not to mention the ITIS!) lol. Taking a jog and popping in your MWH workout will undoubtedly make you feel better (hello endorphins). And getting into prayer mode definitely lowers any anxiety you feel (more on this in #3). For this reason, I include elements of mind, body, spirit in my membership. It's not enough to just care for your body in this crazy day and age! We must nurture every fiber of our beings if we are to rise above the negativity. Happy mom, happy children Hurt people hurt people. Many of the times I've regretted how I've treated someone, it's been due to my feeling hurt by an action someone first did to me. Conversely, when I'm caring for my mind, body, spirit, praying for my enemies (and not letting them in to hurt me any longer), I only put goodness out! I forgive others easier. I don't yell at my kids. I am calm. I have vision. I'm inspired. You see,an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind! (Gandhi), we can, like Michelle Obama says, go HIGH when they go low ... Many of the problems we deal with in this society is because of how children were raised! If mom and dad had handled their business--often (if not always), these kids wouldn't grow up with so much hate and anger in their hearts. I know I rebelled as a teenager when nothing made sense--when neither home or the world felt safe to me... The reason I work so DANG HARD at my self care goes WAY deeper than, "I need some cute glutes"--nah. I do this because I need to bring my A game to my children, to my husband. And doing so requires me to own my self care. Because when I am mentally, emotionally, spiritually healthy, I can teach my children the tools they need to be able to be the same. Go within Alright, final tip--go within, girl. Don't look outside of yourself to find peace. No one knows what's in your heart--who you truly can become buy you and God. If I waited for others to see in me what God saw in me years ago, I'd still be working at Taco Bell (no shade to Taco Bell. Just saying, reaching a higher potential is important here). We should NEVER settle in life. I have a tattoo on my back that reads in Spanish..."There's nothing worse than wasted potential..." I got this when I was 21, and I made a promise to myself that even if nobody else saw who I could be, that I'd go all in on my becoming who I knew deep down I could be. You see, you have an imagination--that is a GIFT from God, boo! You get to go within, and you see a preview to life's coming attractions...granted to do the work to get there. So...are you ready to take your power and inspiration back? Become your best self? Invest in your body, mind, spirit, so you can live your dream life, and show your kids what a resilient, powerful woman looks like? Well. If that's you, you are the minority. Many will still go about their normal life after reading this, and will call others to validate settling in life (we ARE the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with, so be cautious about who you're communicating with). I'm only expecting 1% of the women who read this to apply these tools. If that's you and you need support, tools, and community, then join this month's challenge. I've worked my tookahs off to create full body workouts, meal guide, motivational video, meditations and more to help moms like you and me live a life we can be proud of. Coaching call with me included TONIGHT if you act now. You can cancel membership after this month if you simply want to try it out. Whether you join or not, I am sending you LOVE today! Remember your power. Control what you CAN control. Bring light into your home for your children and partner. And when feeling anxious, go within. If this blog was helpful to you, remember to subscribe and SHARE this with as many mom friends as you have! Doing so lets me know you like this, and supports me so I can continue to bring your more free content. Love ya! Monica

  • 3 Tips to Enjoy Motherhood and Lessen Overwhelm

    It's Mommy Monday! How are you? In this week's post, I wanted to share with you my top 3 tips to help you be an even happier, healthier mom, and lessen the stress and overwhelm in your life. You ready? Let's get started. 3 Ways to Enjoy Motherhood and Lessen Overwhelm Show your children your authentic self I know when I first became a mom, I suddenly thought I had to wear mom jeans, hang up my dreams, and dull my full self. But thankfully, common sense crept in and I realized that my children (gasp) chose me for a reason! And your children chose you for a reason! ...Not to have some second-hand version of what you think the "perfect mom" is like, but your full authentic, glorious self. For me, that means my kids see me dancing while I make them spaghetti, using the spatula as a microphone. That means my kids see my take care of my body, mind and spirit with my lifestyle program. That means they see me work at times. Let your kids see your genuine self. You'll be glad you did when your in your rocking chair! Set boundaries In order for me to be the best mom I can be, I set firm boundaries in my life. Running my business from home while caring for my teething 6 month old, 4 year old, and 7 year old ain't easy. But I've found that not everyone will understand or empathize with your reality, well, because they may not relate or simply haven't tried to. So don't expect others to understand that you have a house to clean, bills to pay, diapers to change, a marriage to tend to, a business to run. Teach them. You may teach them this by saying "No", to a request...(like when someone asks you inadvertently: Can I call you complaining and gossiping about so and so for an hour?) Ain't nobody got time for that! I don't know about you, but I'd much rather be spending my precious gift of time doing things I love (like enjoying my family), and living my dreams. And remember, every 'yes' to give others is a 'no' you are giving to yourself and your family. Make sure the people and opportunities you allow in your life matter. Be present Ok, sorry--but a little rant here. I love social media--the opportunity to connect with like minded boss moms like yourself, share ideas, etc. But is it just me, or is there a straight up phone addiction culture being formed? If you want to be the best mama you can be, you won't have the time to waste scrolling online for hours. I get it--Pinterest-worthy photos on social media are dazzling, but distracting. Follow a few of your favorite accounts you glean inspiration and wisdom from, but set limits on how much time you engage. For me, I post almost daily on my private coaching page for clients, and like to check in with them, so I'm on Facebook for about 10 minutes a day. Instagram? Maybe 5 minutes scrolling, 10 minutes to post and engage, and then it's off for the most part. I do not have my phone there while I'm homeschooling or playing with my kids. It's too tempting and distracting! Do yourself a favor and put the phone away so you can gaze into those beautiful eyes and enjoy those precious babies of yours! You won't regret it! There you have it! 3 tips to enjoy motherhood even more, and lessen overwhelm. Did you enjoy this post? If so, share with your friends! It helps support me so I can continue to bring you content here and on social. Interested in working with me to become your best self as a mom? Then apply to join my membership here. We have a new challenge starting June 1st! XO, Monica

  • 3 Tips to Transform Your Body and Get Your Most Fit as a Busy Mom

    Hey loves! This #transformationtuesday, I want to share with your my current fitness progress after baby #3, and share some tips that'll serve you in becoming your most fit, healthy, happy self as a mom. To start, I gained 60 pounds this pregnancy (as I did with my other two pregnancies). I delivered via c section this time (I needed to medically due to a previous surgery), and while this has been my slowest progress in terms of transforming after baby, this journey has been the most rewarding. Why? Well, balancing motherhood, how life has shifted as a result of the virus, and homeschooling along with my business and weight loss goals has been quite the balancing act. Keeping all the plates spinning can have it's challenging moments; but truthfully I'd have my life no other way! Which brings me to my first tip: 1) Enjoy the Journey Ok, sounds trite. Sounds cliche. But cliche's are cliche for a reason! (Because they wreak of truth). Refuse to fall for the trap that promises "6 pack by next week!" or "lose 10 pounds by tomorrow". Slow and steady wins the race. And how do you stay focused on your wellness goals when you don't get immediate gratification? You find a way to somehow enjoy the journey. Trust me. You don't have to see immediate results after your first workout to feel great. You will feel great because you are building confidence in yourself. You will feel great because you'll immediately feel more energy after trading that afternoon coffee for a green juice. You will feel great today because you love and respect yourself enough to honor your body. So, try it out for yourself. And... 2. Set 3 Health Goals...Right Now Set 3 simple goals you have confidence you can hit such as: Drink 8 glasses of water daily, have a green smoothie every morning, and exercise 10 minutes or more daily. Notice I didn't say "Get your dream body" as a goal. One idea seems attainable; the other instantly overwhelms. So, go ahead! Write 3 goals you know you can hit today, and watch your body get healthier and more fit each day as a result of those investments. 3. Visualize Visualize yourself at her best...what does she look like? Is she fit and strong? Energetic? Vibrant? Happy? Get specific. And be honest about where you are in relation to her. Chances are, there will be a gap from where you are to where you want to be. And that's ok! Life would be boring if we had everything we wanted this instant. Embrace the fun it can be to work towards the you you know you can be deep down. Here are 3 tips I use to become my best self as a mom, and I hope they serve you on your journey too. Remember, take things one day at a time, and know that the investments you make in your wellness matter! Need more support on your journey? Contact me here. Best, Monica

  • Mommy Monday: Motivation for Moms For the Week

    It's Mommy Monday! That means we are going to dive into updates on topics I am frequently asked about on my social media in more homeschooling, fitness, emotional/spiritual health, balancing it all; you know--all aspects of mommy life! So let's dive right on into it... Fitness: My goal after baby number three, Rafael, is to again, get in the best shape I can while breastfeeding. Like with my two other postpartum fitness journeys, I am doing all my workouts at home. My workouts are, on average, 20 minutes each, 3 days a week. (In a perfect world, I'd be getting in 5 days a week, but with work and homeschooling, I am making my goals a bit more reasonable). A tip that has helped me in regards to getting healthier and more fit as a busy mom? Is to set standards, not super-strict rules. For example: My goal is to workout 3 times a week, drink 2 liters or more of water a day, avoid carbs like bread/pasta after 5 pm, and to get protein in each meal. I can follow these guidelines pretty easily. But when we aim to do too much at once, like: I'm going to get a six pack by Tuesday! We can become overwhelmed...Avoid that trap. Slow, steady, consistent progress is better than racing to an unattainable goal. (Can I get an amen?!) Spiritual/Emotional Anybody else feeling a bit claustrophobic lately? Since the pandemic, many of our extracurricular activities have been cancelled. But, distancing is not the same as isolating. So, we make an effort to reach out to family and friends, go for daily family walks, and connect with good people virtually. My tip for our spiritual health as moms this week is: instead of focusing on what we don't have, can't do, or can't control...focus on what we can control, what we can do, what we do have. For instance, I may not be able to have as many visitors as I'm used to having; but guess what? This frees up time and energy for me to focus on my dreams, enjoy the presence of my family without distraction...allows me to do things I love to do that maybe I haven't had time to (like reading one of the hundred books I've been meaning to finish!). This along with a healthy dose of gratitude will surely lift your spirits and your mood. So...I dare you to try it. List 3 things you are grateful for right now...Ready, set, go!! (Warning: more joy will result). Mommy Life Can you believe my Rafael is already six months? Ahhh! Where does the time go? Honestly, I had no idea my heart could stretch open as wide as it has with having another child. When it comes to the dynamic of having 3? ...Eliel helps out a lot. He changes diapers, helps me entertain his little bro at times when I'm on Zoom meetings, and seeing Ariel's heart warm when she and her brothers cuddle together on the couch for movie night? Seriously medicine for my soul. My tip to make motherhood all the more amazing and fulfilling this week...? I invite you really enjoy your precious babies even more. For instance, Ariel asks me to play dolls with her every few hours. Eliel loves when I play catch with him, or play his favorite video game with him while we cuddle. And Rafi? Oh, he's easy. He just wants me to stare deep into his eyes and feed him that liquid gold! The point here is to truly enjoy our children. There's a lot of toxic messaging out there that yells, "Tolerate your children." How about we embrace motherhood? Children are a gift, after all, not a burden. And ps: We started Rafael on solids recently, and I promised I'd share my recipe. Here it is! Tips For Balancing it All (and homeschooling) I think this is the question I get the most often. How do I balance it all?? What a loaded question! I could write a whole book on the topic. (Oh wait, I did! :) ) But for the women who just need a quick snippet of tips on how to help balance it all... Batch and combine. Let me explain: I batch activities (for example: Mondays may be blogging or content editing day, Tuesdays may be for all my meetings, etc.) Doing this helps me to focus on one important theme at a time. Why is this important? Because there is a high cost for breaking your concentration. I wake up 3 hours or more before my kids so I can get uninterrupted work done (on my batched activity). Then when they're up and ready for breakfast, I'm done with my most important work for the day. Now--as far as homeschooling/getting in my workout/working/cleaning the home/etc.? Combine, combine, combine. I've done many business meetings while nursing or wearing Rafael. I homeschool Eliel and Ariel doing the same. Eliel's gym class? Often is my workout too. See the point here? Instead of trying to separate my tasks all the time, once the kids are up, I focus on combining tasks creatively. There's no reason my kids can't join in on my workout of the day for my challenge. There's no reason they can't sit in on my virtual bible study. There's no reason they, too, can't have quiet time when mom just needs to sit in silence and read. I believe all moms are supermoms. Trust me--if you are raising the next generation while taking care of yourself in this day and age--you, my friend are a superwoman. And if no one else tells you this week--you are a good mother! Keep up all the amazing work you are doing in your home. I guarantee you--it will pay off when you get to witness your children growing up to be respectable, joyful, confident adults. I hope you enjoyed this blog! If you found it helpful, please share it with your fave mom friends. Doing this helps me know you want me to make more content like this. Until next time, loves! Let's make it an amazing week. Best, Monica -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interested in becoming a MWH Ambassador? Must be ready to get your healthiest and happiest and earn an income on the side. Apply here.

  • Mother's Day: Encouragement for Moms

    As I sit here writing this post on Mother's Day, sipping my coffee as my 6 month old son sleeps peacefully in the other room, and my two older kids play right behind me as they eat their breakfast, I can't believe I am actually in charge of caring for and rearing three humans. Like, wow. That is no easy task. As a mother, my job is to feed, clothe, create a nurturing atmosphere (including keeping the home tidy and organized), educate (especially as a homeschooling mama), discipline, protect, and comfort my babies. Being a mom means you are multitasking being a nurse, fashion designer, hair stylist, chef, maid, teacher, officer, and home decorator... all in one. And this doesn't count for the time and energy it takes to still nurture your own dreams and creativity as a mom too...(trust me, this only helps you be a better mom!) And often times, young women get the wrong impression that motherhood is well...easy. They see the glamorous photos of families wearing matching sets, and fantasize that every moment is like that. Well, allow me to burst that bubble so you, my darling are not disappointed or feel bamboozled when you are promoted to the position mother. I change over 10 diapers a day. And at least 1 or two of them include a blowout. I never sit on the couch, eating bon bons, watching Ricki Lake. I work my butt off as a homemaker to provide my kids with the loving environment they deserve. Most days, my hair is in a bun, I'm wearing workout clothes, and I'm sans makeup--definitely not photo ready like I see so many Insta moms! My sleep is very scattered. I wake up several times throughout the night to nurse Rafael, and ensure my babies are comfortable. Despite only getting 4 hours of rest most nights, I still am responsible to waking up early, preparing meals, cleaning, homeschooling, and working from home as a coach and content creator. Now...of course I could go on...but you get the point right? Motherhood ain't easy! Homemaking ain't either! BUT. By golly, being a mom has been THE most rewarding, fulfilling, heart filling assignment the Lord has EVER given me. Like, EVER. And for that reason, I am committed to doing all the un-glorified work each day with a grateful heart. Scrubbing the tubs. Doing the 100th load of laundry that week. Explaining to my 4 year old AGAIN why we have to eat our vegetables, and why she can't have cupcakes for breakfast. And, mom reading this, although you feel like all that hard work you do in and for your home is invisible and not celebrated enough in our society, I am here with good news: God Himself sees your hustle. God sees how you sacrifice scrolling longer on social media so you can be present with those beautiful children of yours. God sees how you add special touches to your home, like placing fresh flowers or lighting candles during family dinner, to give your children an unforgettable, beautiful childhood. I don't know about you, but reminding myself of whose opinion really counts really adds to my peace. My Instagram followers don't see all the love I pour into my children on a daily basis. I don't make it a goal to share every detail! And my husband is busy fulfilling his dreams as an amazing chef--even he misses a lot of the seeds I plant in my children's spirit on a daily basis. But. When I look back at my life, when I'm 100 years old. And I reflect on how I lived my my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren turned out--I KNOW I will have peace and not regret. I know I will see the fruitful harvest of all the hours I spent investing in what matters. If my children grow up and get along...if they are living their God-given assignments, and they know their identity in Christ, (and refuse to allow the world to dictate their priorities), well, then, I know I'd have done my job as MOM. And so far, I feel like we are on the track to be there. And to me, this understanding is worth far more than anything else more "freedom" would allot me. So, if you feel motherhood is harder than you see being portrayed in the social media world, fret not. It is. Because nothing TRULY worth having in life is easy. The most beautiful things in my life that I cherish most--my marriage, my children, my family, my dreams--none of it came easy. But that is what makes it all the more special and delicious! So if no one else claps for you; if no one else sees what truly makes you an exceptional mama--give YOURSELF a pat on the back. And remember who's opinion really counts--He is always watching. ;) Happy Mother's Day to You!! Share this post with 3 exceptional moms. I'd appreciate your help growing our community! XO, Monica Need tools to become the best you as a mom? Including: Dozens home workouts Meal guide Inspiration and Community of moms Coaching Then apply to join my private coaching group! Immediate access to all resources you need to thrive as a mom.

  • How to Lose Weight (And Keep Your Milk Supply!) [Video]

    How do we keep our breast milk supply full while getting our body back after baby? I've been getting this question consistently on social media since my first postpartum fitness journey after baby #1, Eliel. Now, 7 years later as a mom of three on yet another fitness transformation journey as a nursing mom, I'm happy to share my top tips on how I am losing the baby weight... while keeping my supply up. The tips I go into detail in the video below are: 1. Diet and how it affects your supply (including additional calories needed for nursing moms) 2. How much you should be working out as a nursing mom (and how much you may not want to if you want to keep your supply full). 3. How to use a haakaa/pump/and/or nursing schedule to keep milk supply high 4. Keeping stress AWAY ...and more! Check out the video, subscribe here, and on YouTube! And if you are serious about wanting to get your most fit, happy, and healthy (and regain a sense of identity and purpose as a mother) check out my popular Mommy Makeover Challenge: Stay well! Monica

  • My 4 Tips to Overcome Anxiety [Video]

    Hey beauties! Happy Mommy Monday here on the MWH blog. I've received requests to do more content focused on my self care tips I use to be healthy not just physically, but mentally and spiritually as well. So, I hope you enjoy this video where I do just that--sharing four of my personal tools I use to combat anxiety. If you found it helpful, please share it with your friends! And if you need more tools I use to become my best self and fight anxiety (like workouts, meal guides, meditations), apply to join my private coaching platform here. Sending love and peace your way, Monica

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