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My Current Go-To Breakfast to Naturally Detox

I love smoothies.

It's no secret.

Ever since having my oldest over 8 years ago, I got very into the overall convenience in making them, and ability to pack so much antioxidants in one fell swoop.

Now more than ever, we need to take charge of our health. We need to eat to live vs living to eat. You've seen the news--you know what's going on! This is not the time to gorge on "comfort" foods, and let go of our glow goals.


I challenge you to use this time as an opportunity to make healthy, positive changes. You ready, girl?

Alright, here's the recipe (below). These ingredients are all naturally anti-inflammatory, packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to keep your skin glowing, clear any blemishes, give you energy, naturally aid in detoxing your body of toxins, and--of course--aid in giving you a healthy body!

Moms Wear Heels Superfood Smoothie

(contains affiliate links which I enable me to earn a commission at no additional cost to you).

  1. 1 1/4 c coconut water

  2. 1 c organic blueberries

  3. 1 1/2 c organic kale

  4. 1 c organic spinach

  5. 2 tsp spirulina

  6. 1 scoop Amazing Trio

  7. 1 banana

  8. 2 tbsp hemp seeds

  9. 2 tbsp flax seeds

  10. 1 c cilantro

  11. 1 heaping tbsp manuka honey

Blend all the ingredients until smooth and enjoy!!

Need more tools to become your best self as a mom? Then check out these resources:

My name is Monica Bencomo, and I'm author, TV personality, and a full time fitness and lifestyle coach for women and moms. I have and homeschool three kids, and LOVE finding new and creative ways to workout with them and finding ways to make motherhood fun. I gained 60 pounds all three pregnancies and lost the weight and transformed using my custom workouts in my Snatch Sexy Program I created for busy women and moms like me. My passion is providing others, particularly mothers, with tools I wish I'd learned earlier in life to live authentically, creatively, and with health and joy.


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