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Lessons I'm Teaching My Daughter
Let's prepare our next generation by instilling in them what we wished WE knew sooner. May we teach our daughters: To be kind > “nice” To...

Date Your Kids! Tips to Connect More Deeply
I'm kind of obsessed with the idea of being the best mom I can be. Not because I get it right all the time--I make mistakes daily--but I...

Tips on Balancing It All
Between laundry, homeschooling, dishes, bills, and--you know--life--I try and fit in something just for me. That is usually something...

Mommy Motivation Monday
Hey mamas! I thought it was time to bring back Mommy Monday here on the blog--my weekly post each full of tips, updates, tools, and...

4 Steps to End Self Sabotage and Crush Your Goals
Ever since I was in my twenties, I've been obsessed with personal development. I'm fascinated at how we can know what to do for our well...

5 Tips For Home Date Night
Sometimes I can get so wrapped up in work, kids, and, well...that 100th load of laundry for the week that my weekly date night falls by...

My 5 Secrets to Help Banish Mommy Guilt
I was sitting down nursing Rafael, and was hit with that annoying, pesky feeling. You know, that sinking feeling... Mom guilt. Ugh. The...

Motherhood NOT Martyrdom; Finding Balance With Motherhood and Your Dreams
Ever since becoming a mother I have been reflecting on this question: What is that balance between being the BEST moms we can be yet NOT...

Wear Your Own Size Heels (How To Find Your Real Purpose in Life)
Sis. Sisssss.... I've been meditating a lot on the art of being yourself, and how we are often deceived into forfeiting our destiny...

Faith Over Fear
She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. -Proverbs 31:25 I have been meditating on the Proverbs woman...

5 Things That Made Me A Happier Homeschooler
I love homeschooling. Like, love. Are there challenging moments when I question my sanity at choosing this lifestyle? Certainly. But,...

Feeling Down? This Will Help You Get Your Power Back
Finding it harder than usual to be motivated? I get it. There's a lot going on in the world right now. So much so that it can really not...

Mommy Monday: Motivation for Moms For the Week
It's Mommy Monday! That means we are going to dive into updates on topics I am frequently asked about on my social media in more...

Tips to Thrive (and not just survive) The Quarantine
We're going on living our normal, daily lives then...poof! News of the coronavirus hits, and all heck hits the fan. Suddenly, the ability...

How to be a Boss Mom in 2020
When I first became a mom in 2012 (thank you, Eliel!)--I was both elated with joy AND overwhelmed and ridden with guilt and confusion. I...

The Best Way to Start the New Year in 2020 (And Start Our Mommy Makeover Challenge!)
Hey gorgeous! How's it going? No seriously--how are you feeling physically, mentally, spiritually? Do you feel inspired to take on the...

7 Tips to Go After Your Dreams as a Busy Mom
Okay so...many of you know I'm a homeschooling mompreneur of 2 kids...and in a week-- homeschooling mompreneur of 3! And when I shared...
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