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8 Tips to Go After Your Dreams as a Busy Mom
Nothing beats being their mother Okay so...many of you know I'm a homeschooling mompreneur of 4 kids... So just like you-- I'm busy....

Join My Free 14 Day Fitness Challenge 🎁🎉
As a homeschooling mompreneur of 4 precious babies, my time is limited. I, like you, am a busy gal. And I deeply desire to be a great...

7 Day MWH Hydration Challenge
The easiest way to look and feel better TODAY! #drinkyourwater So, y'all know I love a challenge, right? If you've been following me for...

Lessons I'm Teaching My Daughter
Let's prepare our next generation by instilling in them what we wished WE knew sooner. May we teach our daughters: To be kind > “nice” To...

How I Recovered From Mommy Burnout
I can't believe it. I'm a homeschooling mom of 4! I have a middle schooler (6th grade), 4th grader, preschooler and baby along for the...

My 5 C Section Recovery Tips
Monica, what are your tips for c-section recovery? I get this question a lot on my social media and I wanted to share an in depth...

This is Your Sign to Have More Fun (even as a busy mom)
Have you ever thought after having kids that you have to hang up your dreams, passions, "selfish" fitness goals, dating your man, etc.?...

My Saturday Self Care Routine
As a busy mom of four, I aim to have my life run on a rhythm as much as possible. For instance, as a homeschooler, we do themed days like...

Tips To Release Mom Guilt and Embrace Self Care
We have children. And all of a sudden, life is no longer about us, but our family. Suddenly, we feel guilty for doing things we never...

How To Lose Weight While Breastfeeding
Should we have to choose between breastfeeding our babies and getting our bodies back postpartum? I don't think so. I've been getting the...

Balancing Fitness as a Homeschooling Mom
I love homeschooling my four kids, but I'll be honest...sometimes it's just plain harrrrd to make time for everything else I'm passionate...

I Took My Daughter On Hawaii's Most Challenging Hike. This Is What I Learned
I woke up after very little sleep with an irresistible urge to do a hike that had caught my eye while on the island of Oahu. I don't like...

My Costco Faves for Weekly Food Prep
"The key to healthy family eating is having a routine and everyone knowing what to expect." Any other moms out there feel like flexing...

Sunday Reset Plan For Busy Moms
How to reset on Sunday to MOM BOSS your week Now that my youngest is older and sleeping a bit more throughout the night, I've been able...

Tips to Avoid Burnout as a Homeschooling Mom
While checking out at the store the other day, the cashier noticed me dripping with kids and wondered aloud, "Aren't your kids normally...

How to Find Your Purpose In Life (Even As a Busy Mom)
Sis. Sisssss.... I've been meditating a lot on the art of being yourself, and how we are often deceived into forfeiting our destiny...

5 Signs You're Actually a Really Good Mom
If you're a mom, the question of whether you are doing enough for your children has probably plagued your mind. Am I playing with them...

“Play is the highest form of research.” --Albert Einstein We've been homeschooling our four children pretty much since day one. We tried...

Loving Your Mommy Body
Embracing Your Body Post Baby (Or Babies) Hey gorgeous, Monica here with a quick reminder: The world may try to tell you what's wrong...

My Experience with COVID During Pregnancy
I woke up on a day like most days--ready and eager to get my homeschooling and homemaking on. There was only one problem--my body...

Our Maternity Photoshoot
Baby number 4 is almost here and I wanted to share our maternity photoshoot with you! I am honestly shocked at how fast this pregnancy...

Prenatal Workout
I cannot believe I'm already in my third trimester with baby #4! Today I'm bringing you a pregnancy workout video you can get done for...

Happy International Women's Day | Message to Moms
Moms--simple reminder: Our role in this world is POWERFUL. Yes, you, the stay at home mom. Yes, you, the working mom. Yes, you, the...

It's A...(Gender Reveal Baby #4)
Even though this is our fourth baby, the excitement is just as high for this pregnancy. I mean, this is new life we're talking about! So...
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