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  • Tips to Thrive (and not just survive) The Quarantine

    We're going on living our normal, daily lives then...poof! News of the coronavirus hits, and all heck hits the fan. Suddenly, the ability to buy TP becomes ancient history, the price of sanitizer sky rockets, and everyone is on edge. Crazy. As most of you know, I am a homeschooling, work from home mama of 3. My hubby works as a full time chef and also works from home with me as well. So not much has changed as far as our lifestyle to date. Most of the daily, homemaking demands fall on me. I strive to keep a clean home (most of the time), educated our children, and balance work in between these priorities. My hubby and I strive to divide and conquer. I handle most in our home and my business, and he handles things totally out of my lane (like repairing our vaccuum that just broke). I am far from being an expert on balancing it all, (who really is an expert at that, anyway? Life is constantly changing)... but I wanted to come on here and share some tips that have been helpful to my family during these, uh... interesting times. Tips to thrive (and not just survive) the coronavirus frenzy: 1. Don't watch too much of the news Aim to stay informed, and then discipline yourself to shut...the Turn the phone away. Learn what you need to know, and then get back to life. 2. Aim to stay on a schedule I still am working out 4 times a week (20 minutes on average a day) to keep a sense of normalcy, and you know, to aim to be healthy and active. We're still homeschooling throughout the day, and still have morning and evening routines. Try to give your children a structure (even if you too find yourself working from home)--you can give your kids a schedule daily upon waking to keep them busy. If they are older, this is especially helpful! Older kids can have independent reading time, alone study time, etc. My Eliel (who is 7), is reading to his siblings as I write this blog. Having older kids can be a huge help! :) 3. Get creative Some of our favorite activities currently: Tea and poetry time Talent shows Dance break (we turn on tunes and let 'er loose) Reading time Puzzles Writing/memorizing bible verses Doing something nice for someone else 4. Set goals Maybe you always wanted to learn to cook. Maybe you always wished you had more time to read. Maybe you always wished you had more time to just sit...quietly in a room without scrolling (yes, that can totally be a goal). Now's your chance to do these things! Lately, I've been loving to read, journal, and get clarity on goals I want to set when I have quiet moments to myself. Make a list of things you want to do. (And hint: these things are even better if the goals make your soul happy! Be cautious of setting goals just because they are culturally "in"). And begin doing those things! 5. Limit social media usage Seriously. Would you let your child open the 'gram and scroll 30 times a day? If you wouldn't want your child to, then perhaps you don't want to. I personally get distracted easily. With that self awareness, I consciously limit what I let enter my thoughts and mind. I think a lot before I post now. I think a lot before I "follow". What I see needs to inspire, uplift, educate me somehow... lately I've been loving following other homeschooling families, inspiring moms who share authentically, home decor, minimalism...etc. Check your social media feed and clean it out! Only let in what inspires you to be more you. And beware of pages that only make you feel more cruddy about yourself. Lol. 6. Be grateful How do you reverse anxiety and worry? With gratitude. Count your blessings! Everyday when you wake, throughout the day, before bed (and hey--right now!) breathe in. Smile. Tell God why you're grateful. Your heart is beating. Your children are safe. You have a roof over your head. And hopefully, food in your fridge. Be grateful, and say it aloud. Warning! A better, more peaceful mood will result. I hope this blog was helpful to you. Head over on my Instagram and leave me a comment on today's post: what did you find most helpful here? Please share this with a friend! Sending love your way! XO, Monica

  • How to be a Boss Mom in 2020

    When I first became a mom in 2012 (thank you, Eliel!)--I was both elated with joy AND overwhelmed and ridden with guilt and confusion. I mean, here I was--26 years old, one year away from getting my Bachelor's degree, restaurant owner and manager, and a temporarily retired dancer, hoping to get back in the game of performing. How the heck am I supposed to be the best mom I can be for him and still go after my dreams...still be me? I wondered, suddenly angry that none of the dozens of parenting books prepared me for my crisis of identity. I weighed the options. I teetered with the idea of giving up on all my goals and hobbies. Society and culture would definitely support that, I decided. But I realized giving up on the passions that made me ME would be soulful suicide. I reminded myself this was my one life as Monica--to do the things I decided I wanted to do before coming here. I decided no amount of external approval was worth me giving up my DESTINY. The good news is that 8 years later, there is a happy ending...well, a happy journey really, as we never really "arrive" at any destiny. Documenting my journey online as a multitasking mom fiercely committed to her authenticity, goals, and dreams paid off. I now have the awesome privilege of teaching other women how to balance motherhood with their dreams, and assist them in becoming their best selves with my fitness & lifestyle programs. Trust me when I tell you that staying in your lane (owning your unique gifts) PAYS OFF! So, what are my tips to help YOU be the boss mom of your life? Check 'em out and share this blog with a friend if it helps! 1. Stop Conforming Yep, I said it. You cannot be bold and follow your unique path in life if you're worried about what others are going to say or think about you. I've had "friends" in the past when I first started MWH laughing at the fact that I made videos online and shared them with the world. Well, now, I make a full time living doing just that and being creative. Everyday I wake up so GRATEFUL I get to be a hands on mommy and fulfill my creative nudges. Being courageous, authentic, and living unapologetically will inevitably piss other people who are NOT doing that off. You have to be so focused to your vision that their misunderstanding you won't affect you. Kay? 2. Own Your Gifts What do you do better than most? What would YOU pay to be able to do daily? What does everyone come to you for? What did you do for hours on end, losing track of time as a kid? These are clues for the Universe of your GIFTS. Do some investigative work. Uncover old hobbies you buried in order to "be more of a grown-up". And, drumroll...activate your gifts again! Start painting again! Read that book. Take that dance class. Buy the sewing machine. Go back to school. Just do something in the direction of your authentic self. Warning: more peace, joy, and fulfillment in your life will occur! 3. Forget Fear I really am not fond of fear and anxiety. Those little buggers have been trying to talk me out of my dreams since I can remember. Fear and Anxiety are smart suckers too--they'll mask themselves as "being sensible"...aiming to convince you that taking time for your hobbies and self care is frivolous. Don't let fear win. You have to be smarter than that energy. Become conscious of it. And consistently remind yourself that YOUR DREAMS MATTER. Your creative life matters. YOU matter as a mom! You don't have to be a martyr to be a good mom--sacrificing your hopes to care for your home. Remind yourself this MWH Mantra as often as you need to: You can be a great mom AND go after your dreams. I hope this blog helped you in some way. If it did, let me know on social tagging me! Share it with your community. Let's work together to spread the message: that moms can do the dang thing too. PS: Ready for next month's challenge? Scroll up to the top of this page and enter your info to receive it. No worries if you're already a subscriber! Let's continue to make this our best year yet. XO, Monica #MOMSWEARHEELS

  • Intermittent Fasting 101

    How are you beauties? Great, I hope. It's now the second week in January; how are the resolutions coming along? Many people begin to falter on their goals of getting their most healthy and happy around now. I don't want that to be you, ok? If you need to, refer back to your list of WHYS if you're motivation to keep going is beginning to wane. Today, I want to briefly talk about intermittent fasting (IF) with you. I've been using IF as a busy mama for some time now--not strictly, but just because after testing it, realized I liked it's effects on fat loss and maintaining my level of energy. Plus, it works for busy folks who don't have time to eat 5 meals a day at separate time intervals. IF is a very simple method of eating--you have a period of fasting, and a period of eating. For example, my fasting window is typically from 8 pm to 11 am, and my eating window is from 11 am to 8 pm. For me, this works. Since I'm still breastfeeding, I don't want my eating window to be too brief. Note: if you notice any decrease in milk, IF may not be for you! I've done IF for years and my body is used to its effects, therefore it doesn't negatively impact my milk. Your eating window should still provide you enough time for your unique schedule to allow as many calories as you need for a healthy diet. But keep in mind, quality matters! I don't want you ladies to fast for 15 hours, only to eat pizza, cereal, or white pasta once coming out of your fast. This is a no-no! And will trick your body into holding onto fat; not losing it! If you try IF, be sure to plan your meals accordingly. Aim for high proteins, veggies--whole foods! What are whole foods? Think of whole foods as foods being from the Earth herself--natural foods. You can begin to test if the food you're eating is natural or too processed by a simple test: after you eat it, do you feel energized or lethargic? If you are exhausted after you eat chips, pretzels, soda, and other processed junk foods--it's because your body is working OVERTIME trying to digest it! Be kind to your body during our challenge. Aim to eat foods that energize her. Aim to drink more water. Aim to continue to do our workouts at least 3x a week. The results will be dramatic--your skin will be vibrant, clothes will fit better, sleep will improve, and (extra credit)--if you're doing our meditations in the Mommy Makeover Challenge, you'll have more joy and peace in your life as well. If you need coaching, support, and accountability during our challenge (and after), apply to join my private coaching group! Only looking for ladies serious about smashing all their fitness and lifestyle goals in 2020. Keep up the amazing work! Tag me and share your journey so I can follow you ladies back on social! XO, Monica

  • This is Only For the Women Who Refuse to Settle in 2020

    There's something that happens to a woman when she's had enough. ...Enough settling for less than she deserves... ...Enough procrastinating become her best self.. ...Enough being "nice" over being authentic... Through the pain of her trials, tests, and obstacles, she gains an inner strength with which you cannot buy. As it states in the bible, wisdom is more precious than rubies. And don't you agree? I mean, having money, a banging body, really fancy clothes, jewelry, becoming famous--all those things are cool if you desire them...but the foundation needs to be stable--self love, self acceptance, and radical self care... Which brings me to my next point. It's day 1 of the MWH Mommy Makeover Challenge!!! Whoop Whoop! (Can you see me doing the happy dance in your head right now? Because I totally am). Are you ready? Do you feel motivated? Did you write down your WHYS? You know, WHY you refuse to fail at your goals to get your most fit, happy, and healthy with me this year? If not--GIRL--do that now. And if you need some inspiration, watch the video below. I share my journey to date--being a mom of three, and what my fitness journey and path of following my dreams have been like to date. I think you'll find it resonating if you are too, a Mom Who Wears Heels (i.e. a mom dedicated to becoming her best self). But warning: video is raw and unfiltered. OH! And PS--A very special announcement: Many of you asked about my opening up my membership site again. Guess what? It's up, and it's better than ever! So if you want access to a full digital studio of workouts (dozens ranging from booty, abs, full body and Diastasis Recti), motivational videos, webinars, community of like minded, badass women, and access to our monthly coaching call webinar with me--you're going to want to join. And you're really going to want to join if: you want to party with me this summer to celebrate our journey as a team this summer (more details for members to come). The retreat is going to be AH-MAZING. This group is going to be special. I can feel it. I sense that there are other women feeling the butterflies in their stomach launching them towards this life changing group. If that's you--I want to work with you! So, if you're ready to take on the FREE Mommy Makeover Challenge, but you also want to work with me more closely? I got you! Sign up to hold your spot here. Space limited. Love you all!!!! Be sure to upload your before photos on social! The woman with the most inspiring transformation (before and after) wins a one on one coaching call with me. Tag me so I can follow you back and hold you accountable to the woman you KNOW you are capable of becoming. XO, Monica Bencomo

  • The Best Way to Start the New Year in 2020 (And Start Our Mommy Makeover Challenge!)

    Hey gorgeous! How's it going? No seriously--how are you feeling physically, mentally, spiritually? Do you feel inspired to take on the new year approaching? If not, I got you. Just keep on reading. Lately I've been reflecting on the fact that we as women and mothers are amazing. I mean, we run businesses, birth babies, make houses homes, uplift our communities, and so much more. But you wanna know the sad part about the amazing multitasking ability of women? We often, in an effort to be the amazing nurturers we are, neglect our own self care and gifts to ensure everyone else in our lives are happy. And that's no bueno. This fact is what prompted me to invent the hashtag #MotherhoodNotMartyrdom. It's time we as women and mothers take a stand for our needs, our desires, our dreams. Why? 'Cause we matter! Because our children are watching! Because we are the example of motherhood for our daughters and sons. Because we really can't be wonder women for everyone else in the world if our own cup is running dry. So, anytime guilt or shame for pursuing what you know in your heart makes you an even better mom, wife--better you--come up, nip that in the bud. Gently remind yourself our Moms Wear Heels Mantra: When mom is healthy and happy, the whole family wins. Now that we've gotten why prioritizing your self care and happiness as a women and moms is vital in 2020, let's get down to the details of how we can get the best start for the new year, shall we? The Best Way to Start the New Year in 2020 Make a plan for the following key areas of life so you wake up January 1st with a road map for your personal and professional success! Guidance on how to do this outlined below: 1. Body & Wellness When you look in the mirror, how do you feel? Do you feel strong, empowered? Are you dripping with self love? If not, why not? The beginning of any fitness journey needs to start from a place of radical self acceptance. You are beautiful NOW. You are worthy of love NOW. Once you begin approaching your fitness journey from a place of self acceptance. get to work. Ditch the junk foods. The junk food binges are not serving you--they rob you of your precious energy you need to raise your kids and chase your dreams. Start a workout program. Need one? Then join our Mommy Makeover program for free--we have full length workouts and recipes to snatch that sexy BACK, honey! But whatever you do, have a plan. Don't just wake up January 1st without a plan. That's not how a boss runs her life. Print out our workout schedule (or your own) from the Mommy Makeover Challenge. Hang it up. Schedule your workout like business meetings. Then show up. Every. Day. Show up for YOU. Stop procrastinating becoming your most fit, strong, healthy self. It's time to become who you're meant to be. 2. Mind (Personal Development) How are you feeling lately? Are you sad? Stuck in comparison? Feeling Uninspired? If so, you need to do a mental detox--stat. How do you do this? Start noticing your thoughts. What are you thinking? Where is your attention going? Are you scrolling too much on social media watching other people live their lives? Are you getting down on yourself because your body isn't like the IG model's? Catch yourself when you get lazy with your mental energy and focus your thoughts on where you'd like them to go. Begin a personal development program. If you don't have a life coach, then get a book designed to help you break out of negative patterns like mine, 7 Habits of a Healthy, Happy Mom. In the book following each chapter, you are prompted to complete journal exercises designed to help you apply the principles designed to improve your life as a mom. This is why you will find journal exercises in our Mommy Makeover Challenge as well. My goal as a coach is to help you not only snatch that body back, but to become a happier, more peaceful, inspired mom as well. Be sure to complete your journal exercises before we start January 6th. Doing so will undoubtedly increase your self awareness which will help you in ways I can't even begin to explain in this blog. Just trust me. 3. Soul Ahhh...the soul. Probably my favorite subject to talk about. Unfortunately, so many develop the body, reach their goals, and find that they've lost touch with what matter most--their intuition, peace, and connection to something greater. Now, I'm not here to tell you what to believe--you believe in what feels right for you. But what I will say is that we are not strong enough to go through this life without a connection to a higher, more divine power. I call that power 'God'. You call it what feels right for you. But meditation, prayer, and quiet time for reflection are key ways of developing this inner world for you. And don't you worry--if you've already signed up for the Mommy Makeover Challenge, I included some of my private meditations for you to try that are designed to bring more calm, inspiration, and joy into your heart. So be sure to grab your headphones, and carve out 5-10 minutes of quiet time in the morning (before the kids wake up), to be with you and your Higher Power. I promise you, your day will go a lot more smoothly, and you will be that less likely to go off on that annoying co-worker as a result. ;) I want to remind you this Mommy Monday that you are amazing. Despite everything happening in your life, you are staying committed to the road less traveled--the path of becoming your best self as a busy, multitasking mom. I see you. I acknowledge your drive. You are stronger than you know. Do me a favor and continue to share your journey with the MWH community on social tagging me @momswearheels and using #MommyMakeover hashtag. Print the workout calendar and hang it up, get your grocery shopping done, and take your before pics for our Mommy Makeover Challenge. The next week until we start (Jan 6th), needs to be about preparation. Okay? And if you know other amazing women and moms who you know could benefit from the tools in our challenge, invite them to join us. Remind them they have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. I love you all! Talk soon, Monica

  • How to Make 2020 Your BEST YEAR YET

    I have to tell you something that you may need to hear, or have never heard...If you're anything like me, you may have grown up starved to hear it--maybe those around you knew it but for whatever reasons, chose to keep it to themselves. And that is: You, my darling, are special. Unique. POWERFUL. You have innate gifts and talents that, when owned, can change the world. And yes, even if you're a busy mama like me, changing diapers between business meetings, YOU TOO have amazing gifts to share with the world. #MomsWearHeels Too. My question for you is: have you already realized this and chosen to own your power in your life? Are you waking up with the confidence that you are a BOSS and you can create the life you truly desire? If so, rock on sis. Keep owning your light and REFUSE to dim it for ANYBODY. But if you, for whatever reason, find it hard to own what makes you standout, what makes you special in your life--I'm going to remind you this Mommy Monday that you can choose a different narrative right NOW. You can decide right now to live more boldly, authentically, follow your dreams, and become your best self. It's never too late. Unfortunately, there are people in our lives at times that may have been fearful of losing us, that they chose to keep their compliments and affirmations of our brilliance to themselves. I've coached many women that have had boyfriends or fathers whom-- instead of celebrating their divinity, chose to belittle or ignore it. And if you're in that camp, take it from me: You can heal that. But it all starts with conscious awareness. So. Before we bring in 2020, and take on the Mommy Makeover Challenge together, hand in hand to become our best selves and own our power as a team, I welcome you to grab your journal and answer the following questions. Or at the very least, reflect on your answers and get to the writing part later. 7 Questions to Become Your Best Self in 2020 1. What are you most proud of in your life to date? Is it giving birth to amazing kids? Having healthy friendships? Getting your degree while managing a full time job and motherhood? Be specific, and celebrate your accomplishments. 2. Who has impacted you the most in your life (for better?) You mom? A mentor? A best friend? Why was their influence so powerful? 3. When you are alone in bed at 3 am and can't sleep, what dreams keep you up at night? What goals, dreams, and aspirations do you have that you may have never shared with another soul? 4. What are some life lessons you've learned to date that you will share with your daughters and sons to help them avoid similar mistakes? 5. Who do you still need to forgive so you can be free? (This can include you!) 6. What would I do with my life if fear weren't playing a role in my decision making? 7. Imagine living your best life, as your best self. Where does she live? What does her schedule comprise of? Who does she love? How many kids does she have? What does she drive? How does she dress? Get specific. Let your imagination and soul soar. It is in honestly answering questions like these that I was able to transform my life from being depressed, overweight, and feeling hopeless at age 18 to the woman I am today. So many challenges fail to address a very big problem women face today--loving and accepting who we are, as we are--right now. Once we do this, sticking to a workout schedule and our meditations will be a breeze. Why? Because once you are honest with yourself, fully--you feel lighter, freer, even more able to take on the world, and become the best version of you yet. The world hasn't even seen a hint of your true power yet. I know that. Let's re-introduce the new, emerging you to the world in 2020. Start with answering these questions so you can walk into the new decade with more awareness. Because when we're not self-aware, we are easily influenced by others' perceptions of who they THINK we are. They've been 'sleep on you, that's okay ;). Once we stop sleeping on your own power and purpose, I promise they'll wake up too. Already join our free Mommy Makeover Challenge? Shout me out on Instagram and invite your friends to join us. And if you haven't joined us, it's not too late. Sign up and download your free program today! It's on January 6th. Sending love your way! PS: Here's some motivation to kick off your week by Steve Harvey--I hope this touches you like it touched me: Monica

  • 5 C-Section Recovery Tips

    Hey mamas! How are you? Amazing, beautiful, on purpose as usual?...great. :) I'm 3 weeks post my c-section and wanted to answer a highly requested Insta-question I received from other moms who had, or will be having a cesarean which is...Monica, what are your tips for c-section recovery? Now, I'm sure I could google that question and get 3.9 billion answers with tips, tricks, and hacks to help us c section moms heal "faster". But call me old school, old fashioned, old soul...whatever, but I don't believe we can trick our bodies into doing anything they're not ready to do. That being said, I still want to offer my personal tools I am using to heal post c section, and I hope they serve you too! 1. Listen to YOUR body. I know, I know. That social media star you follow somehow has wash board abs 2 weeks post birth. Meanwhile, you and I are looking down at our bellies feeling less than because we didn't snap back immediately after giving birth to our bundle of joy. Don't allow distractions...*cough*--comparison, steal your joy, girl. Our vessels as women are magical, don't rush your transformation post birth. Take your time, and utilize a free tool given to all us gals--intuition!! Trust me, you will be able to just tell when you're ready to go for a walk, begin your fitness regimen (along with your doc's orders), and get back into your lifestyle. You'll be able to tell if it's your intuition talking if you feel peace after thinking of the decision your were mulling whether or not to start that fitness plan yet. 2. Eat Well...(well, mostly :) My diet has been pretty consistent since I made healthy living a lifestyle over 7 years ago--I aim to eat natural protein, whole grains, veggies, fruits, etc., but when I'm pregnant and/or breastfeeding (currently full time breastfeeding a cluster eater!), I still allow for more fats and calories while I am doing so. Why? Well because breastfeeding alone burns over 500 calories a day--in short, doing so is a workout. So I purposefully do not restrict myself. I am not in a rush to get in my best shape again. I am confident that will happen (as a mom who's already done it 2 times, and a certified women's fitness trainer). So, what's the rush? Life with a newborn + 2 kids can be hectic already. But again--to clarify--I'm not letting go of my standard to be a healthy, happy mom. I still have my green smoothies daily, healthy recipes, yadayada...I just am not eating like I'm competing in a fitness competition. 3. Load Up on Fiber Okay, I have to tell you a secret. Using the bathroom after a c-section can really be a pain-in-the-you-know-what--specifically in the first week following your operation. I didn't know this, but the pain killers my doctor had me on caused constipation, and the stool softeners I was offered didn't help me diddly squat. My advice? Be sure you're not overdoing your medication following your c section--only take the recommended dosage, or when you feel pain! I heard the advice to "stay ahead of the pain", and I took my medication too close together now know (in retrospect of course). Refer to step 1 (listen to your body), as always, listen to your medical professional, load up on fiber (greens, flax seeds, etc), and listen to your doc's advice on how to handle this pesky little issue. Trust me, you'll be glad you did! 4. Wear the Belly Wrap Your Hospital Gives You One of my lovely nurses at the hospital I delivered at offered my a white, simple binder for my stomach 2 days after my c section. She told me wearing it helped her after her c section to feel "held together". I tried it--sure enough, it helped me to feel less like I'd just gone through a major abdominal surgery. Many c section moms I've spoken to swear by wearing their wraps too. But keep in mind, this is not for "snapback" purposes, but rather, to organically aid in your body recovering from the trauma experienced during surgery. 5. Walk When You're Ready It sounds paradoxical, but walking post c section can actually speed up your recovery, not slow it down. As soon as the same day I had my son, I walked a few steps here and there to start this process. Now 3 weeks later, I've been making daily walks a part of my lifestyle as a new mom of 3! I keep it casual, about 15 minutes or so on average--no beast mode for me yet! But let me tell you, when my doctor clears me to workout again's on! Are you ready to learn how to prepare healthy meals for busy moms, workout smarter (at home--25 minutes a day), and look and feel your best? Then take advantage of Black Friday, and get my top selling Snatch Sexy Challenge half off!! Yep, you heard me right. Deal offers Friday evening. Use code mwh50 on your checkout and #ThankMeLater. If you enjoyed this post, share it with a friend and be sure to subscribe!! Thank you so much for supporting my mission to inspire women and moms to become their best version! I appreciate each and every one of you. XO, Monica

  • What I'm Packing in Hospital Bag For C Section

    Hey mamas! Can you believe it? I'm already just a couple days from giving birth to baby #3!! Ahhh! :) I'm all packed and ready to go for myself and baby. I added most of what you see in the video on this list here if you mamas need it for your big day too! Thank you all for each one of your messages and comments--I am grateful to have you be a part of our community! #MomsWearHeels XO, Monica

  • 7 Tips to Go After Your Dreams as a Busy Mom

    Okay so...many of you know I'm a homeschooling mompreneur of 2 kids...and in a week-- homeschooling mompreneur of 3! And when I shared the post that I had begun homeschooling a couple of months back--I heard it all from--that's awesome! to...are you insane? And I get it. I signed up to share my life online because well--I love to do so! And I also understand that not everyone will understand my decisions--and that is perfectly okay with me! My goal is to share my lifestyle as a mom as authentically as possible in hopes that other women and moms find inspiration, camaraderie, and tools they can use to apply to their own lives to become their most healthy, happy version. And I felt this post was needed. I receive the messages, emails and comments from other multitasking moms asking how I'm making it all work as a homeschooling mompreneur without pulling my hair out. But disclaimer--being a mom on a mission to be the best mom she can be, as well as a mom committed to her dreams is no easy feat. Doing so takes discipline, self-belief, and a will like no other. But I believe we can do and be whatever we choose in life...yes--even as moms! So if you're interested to learn some tips on how I'm making it all work--read on! 1. Know What You Want What do you want? Don't tell me what your dad told you you should want, or what society expects of you--no! Tell me, what do you want? What kind of lifestyle would tickle your fancy so much you'd go to bed and wake up with a big smile plastered over your face? Your homework is to write this down. Grab some paper and a pen, and let your imagination soar: where do you live? What do you do for work? Who do you spend time with? What kind of mama are you? Get specific! 2. Audit Your Time For the moms who tell me: Monica all that sounds great but I don't have time! I disagree. Oprah, Will Smith, you, me--we all have the same 24 hours in a day. And I really don't want you to get to be 90 years old saying, "I would've gone after my dreams...if only I had more time...". No, sister, life is too precious for that! Commit to your dream--even if it's only 20 minutes a day--do something that inches you towards your best life! And if you "don't have time" but are still making time for Netflix, binge watching YouTube, or chatting with folks everyday on the phone--hate to break it to you--but that's time. Time you could be using to invest in you. 3. Choose Relationships With Intention I've never been one of those people who needed a lot of friends. Give me a small circle of women I can trust--who I know have my back--and I'm good. This has served me tremendously being a work from home mom. Why? Well, relationships and friendships require intention and work! The more friendships you have--the more energy you will be expending into them. So, make a mental list of the people you truly value having in your life, and commit to being a great _______ (sister, daughter, mother, friend) to them, and leave boundaries with the rest. The result? You're less overwhelmed, and you're an even better person to the circle you've committed to. 4. Only Say 'Yes' If You Mean It I used to want to do it all! I used to want to say yes to every "opportunity" that presented itself. I've learned since then that that is a big no-no. Now, I only say 'yes' to things that flip my skirt up. Speaking engagements, play dates, dinner dates, watching a movie--whatever it is--I only commit if I know I can handle it, and if it's worth it. Why? Because when you commit to something you don't want (or have the energy) to do, you wind up resentful. And while I'm 38 weeks pregnant over here with two little children, let me tell you sister, my energy is finite. So, I say 'no thanks' a lot, and the people in my life understand! And if they don't that's okay too. Once I understood that: Every 'yes' I give to others is a 'no' I'm giving to myself and my family, I got super clear on my values. 5. Automate, Automate, Automate The first year I was a fitness and lifestyle coach, I emailed each client her program individually, and kept up with each individually (not all on the same platform). I quickly learned that as my business grew, my business savvy had to as well. Now I automate all I can. I pay a monthly fee so that every time someone orders one of my programs, she doesn't have to wait for me to sit and email it to her--it is immediately delivered into her email! And when I coach clients, we use one forum to stay connected on (and email too in case of personal questions). Whether you work from home like me or work outside the home, automate whatever you can! You and your clients will be happier. 6. Online Is Where It's At From shopping for clothes, to food, to my workout program, I buy and use almost everything online. I order my groceries online and pick them up conveniently without even having to get out of the car (most days). I order gifts, my favorite clothes, health items, and more on my amazon and get it two days later. I use my online programs I created to stream my workouts from the comfort of my own home (and this is how I'll be snatching my sexy back after baby #3! Join me here!) This is the beauty of the age we live in! Our parents didn't have this luxury--but we do. Save your precious time and energy and get what you need from the comfort of your own home when you can. 7. Have a Vision This is my favorite tip. Why? Because being a mom on a mission to become her best self while also being committed to her children is no easy feat. Having a compelling vision--one vivid enough to pull you out of bed in the morning when you'd rather hit the snooze button--is key to not giving up on the journey. And you--whomever is reading this right now-- I believe in you! Nothing in your past defines where you can go. No one can stop you from accomplishing the desires of your heart. You CAN be a great mom and go after what you want in life. Head to my Instagram and tell me what your favorite tip is on this list--and share how you are going to apply it to your life! And if you are interested in receiving coaching from me from fitness to business, to relationship, apply here! I look forward to connecting with you!! Stay inspired, Monica

  • Deciding to Homeschool

    I recently walked into my son's school with the intent to withdraw him from attending. Elvis (my husband), Ariel, Eliel, and my big ole pregnant self walked in hand in hand; all on the same page that this was the right decision for our family. So many emotions ran through my veins: excitement, peace, exhilaration, fear, all topped off with a bit of anxiety. ­­­­­­­It all happened so fast! Within 5 minutes of walking in and signing a couple of papers, Eliel went from 1st-grader-at-this-school to an official homeschooler. Allow me to backtrack a bit to illustrate what led to this very dramatic feeling decision: Not too long ago from today, I picked up my son, Eliel, from school, eager to hear all about his day. " was your day?!" I asked with a big smile on my face. Hesitating, he looked off in the distance and said his day was "okay...". This is not like my son. Every day while he was in Kindergarten, he'd respond with a big smile beaming, "Great, mommy!!" My mom-tuition (mother's inner knowing), kicked in high gear. I decided to pull over and investigate the changes I was seeing in my sweet boy. After a few long discussions over the next few weeks, I realized Eliel wasn't as happy as I hoped he was in the first grade. In kindergarten, he loved school. He loved the pace. And his teachers loved him. And why wouldn't they? He is a natural lover-of-learning, well-behaved, and kind. And every time I asked Eliel if he wanted to go back to homeschooling (we homeschooled him for preschool), he quickly shrugged off the idea. "I'm good, mommy--I like school!" he'd say. I was both proud of his independence, but my heart had to admit: I missed being the one to spend the whole day with my boy! But something shifted in the first grade. There was more pressure. More tests. More tech time and less time for exploring. More structure; less time for imaginative play. In short, there was more stress. And he's only 6! I began to fear my son was losing out on what I believe the beauty of childhood should entail --and I realized I needed to help restore and keep the wonder of his childhood. And soon, my son was asking me if he could go back to homeschooling. He said he wanted more attention so he could understand his lessons more clearly. He said he wanted to be home when his little brother was born to help out and enjoy the family. He said he liked when I taught him; that he had more fun. When he started talking like this, I knew it was time for me to seriously think about homeschooling him. I gathered my thoughts. Wrote them down, prayed. Did my research on Texas homeschooling laws. Studied the various homeschooling methods. Talked to my husband. (Thank God we are on the same page). But then, the crazy-making thoughts began: can I really do this? I'm about to have another baby! Am I patient enough? How's this going to affect my business as an entrepreneur? Will he be missing out by not fitting in to the status quo's idea of education? Ugh. I was exhausted just thinking about these things. And my husband, Elvis, asked me what I dreaded hearing: "How are you going to have time to work on your business (Moms Wear Heels) and do all this, especially with a new baby on the way?" I appreciated the hard question, but I had not given it adequate attention. My focus had been on what I felt my son needed and why. My husband's inquiry felt intrusive, but necessary. Realizing I had to face this too though, I thought long and hard about what I'd be giving up for the ability to homeschool my son. For one thing, I'd definitely work less, which meant taking on less clients, and perhaps less time for creative endeavors. I can handle that, I decided. Overall I realized that slowing down and doing less was perfect for the season I was in. Sure, I could work more and make more money, but which option left my 90 year old self feeling the most happy and peaceful? Being more ambitious with career pursuits or being the mom I feel called to be? Eventually (not too much later than that initial day I picked him up from school), I decided that I was going to follow my heart. I was going to be the primary role model in my child's life, teaching him not just what the state requires, but what I, his mama, whom God entrusted to care for him, deem worthy of learning. I decided that regardless of my fears, I was going to homeschool my son. I decided that with discipline, I could have him home learning and still live my passion as an entrepreneur (just not with as many hours!) Upon reaching this conclusion, I wrote down my "whys" and reasons for going this direction for further clarification. Here are the most important reasons we are deciding to homeschool: Why We've Decided to Homeschool: 1. Individualized Curriculum In Texas, you must teach grammar, spelling, reading, math, and good citizenship, but you can do it with any approach you like--in other words, you can do it with your own style. I will be teaching Eliel based off his own temperament and learning style. He won't be forced on to the other kid's timetables. Every child shines in different areas. Expecting all our children to learn various subjects at the same pace can induce stress and lead to anxiety. When I can tell his brain's had enough, we are going to take a break or change gears--not continue to over stuff his brain. When I see his attention veering off, I'll work to make the lesson more engaging and fun. I see my job as making our lesson plans as creatively as possible. I can teach him good citizenship, for example, by creating opportunities for us to volunteer, donate items we don't need, and even engage in simple things like holding the door for others while we're out and about. To me, learning in life is never solely relegated to a classroom. I believe life is class. 2. Flexibility Every family is unique. And our schedules are too. We are organizing our homeschooling schedule to fit our needs; not society's. My husband, Elvis, has crazy work hours sometimes. And when he finally gets a full day off and it's on a school day, my heart hurts that he misses out on spending that time with Eliel the majority of the day. Secondly, as I mentioned above, we have a new member to the family coming soon :). Eliel has already voiced his desire to be here when Rafael gets here--and I don't blame him! Those will be magical times indeed. Also, we deep down are adventure-seekers and travelers! The flexibility homeschooling offers will create opportunities to not just learn about the world, but to see, explore, and engage with it. And of course, our lesson plans will acclimate to wherever we are so Eliel still learns on schedule. 3. Safety I have to admit, there are times when I hear other kids in peer groups at school and my heart breaks--whether I see a bullying incident or someone just being downright mean. I believe life skills and training starts at home. And while we may strive to instill the best values and behaviors into our own children, sometimes the biggest, loudest kid influences others in class the most. Why? Because the need to feel approved of and accepted in school feels like it's more important than anything else(--like learning!)--and the need for peer acceptance can become incredibly distracting to what really matters. Of course, you can provide your children with safety if they do not homeschool as well--(prayer helps with that!) And I am fully aware I cannot keep my kids in a bubble forever--and I am very intentional about raising resilient children, but I am balancing that desire with also protecting their freedom, their childhood, their innocence as long as I can. 4. Time Kids spend on average 1,300 hours per year in school. (And I probably spend about 100 hours a school year in the carpool line). Before I know it, my kids will be all grown up, living their own lives, and leading their own families. I've spoken to enough older, wiser parents who often urge me to enjoy these days while they're at home. "It goes by so fast and you'll miss it more than you can imagine!" They say. And I believe them. I have a calling to homeschool my kids. At least for now. It's what I'm being guided to do for my children in this season. I know it's not going to be easy teaching my 1st grader, and soon to be preschooler while breastfeeding a newborn and working from home, but I believe that if God gives us an assignment, He'll also give us the strength to accomplish that job. I'm choosing faith over fear. There ya go, mamas! Here are a few of my 'whys' for homeschooling. And disclaimer--I am not here to tell anyone that homeschooling is the best method for educating your children--we each have a duty to do what is uniquely best for our own families, and at the right time. There is so much more I can say on this subject. And I due time. Motherhood is my passion. I'll be sharing my process of how I'm going to continue my journey of becoming my best self, wife, and entrepreneur as a mom while homeschooling here and on social media. If you homeschool or are thinking about it, please let me know on this Instagram post! Let me know if you want to see posts of our homeschooling journey. :) **Update: I created this website, to chronicle our homeschooling adventures! Head over and subscribe. And if you're interesting in working with me one on one with your business, mom, or fitness goals--or if you have questions about homeschool pertaining to your situation--I have a few spots for coaching available this month! Love you ladies! Until the next post, Monica

  • Balancing Being YOU And a Great Mom

    I had some things on my mind (like always), and thought I'd share here on the blog pertaining to Motherhood & Self Care. And please, read until the end! I have an announcement at the bottom of this post. Many of you found me on the 'gram, most likely due to one of my mommy and me workout style videos. I love anything mommy and self-care related...which, of course includes health and fitness. But there's so much more that goes into being caring of one's self! My therapist recently told me--(yes, I see a therapist/life coach and have for years--I think we all could benefit from this!)--that for me, self-care isn't just an option--it's vital to my overall well-being. This, she says, is mostly due to my upbringing and what she considers my childhood traumas, or generational wounds--to her, self-care for women who grew up in unstable homes is not something to be negotiated with. And upon hearing this, it felt like a wave of fresh air washed over me. I knew my insatiable desire to care for myself body, mind and spirit was not just a fad! Nothing is more important to me than being the best mom I can be, and self-care is necessary for me to be that great mom. Being a certified fitness coach and working with tons of women the past few years, I always want to go deeper with them than just fitness. Why? Because I know that if you are struggling with any addiction to food, or problem with your weight, it's mostly due to internal wounds not being dealt with--not just knowing how to workout and what to eat (we all can agree to knowing that fruit is healthier than pizza, and going for a walk vs watching TV are healthier options, right? My point here being that we know what to do often! There's just *something else* that thwarts our progress at times). I firmly believe that once we care for our inner world, sticking to the workouts and healthy meals are easier! And I also believe that if our desire truly is to be the best moms we can be, we have to fill our own cups first. Below, please find my go to tips for ultimate self care. Because if even just one mama is inspired after reading this, writing this blog was worth it. 1) Do Social Media Fasts Some of you write me and ask, "Monica, where'd you go--is everything okay?" Once I take a break from posting. Usually, things are fine, but I sense I need to pull back and go within more. Social media and looking at our phones is addictive. I don't want to miss out on what matters most--seeing my babies grow, and enjoying my family! So, I urge you to do an inventory--how much time are you spending on your phone daily? Is there something you could replace some of that time with that will attribute to your health and happiness? 2) Journal. Pray. Meditate. Yassss, sis. Every. Day. Upon waking the first thing I (try) to do is go within. I will do a mediation (even if only 3 minutes), have my only time with God, and journal to vent out the issues swimming around in my mind. Why? Because my day goes 110% better when I start it off consciously. And do yourself a favor--don't check your phone or social media before doing this! 3) Move Your Body, Girl! A big part of self care is fitness--taking time to exercise. Now that I'm 31 weeks pregnant (and feeling huge!) I am limiting my workouts these days to mainly walking, swimming, cleaning the house, (and on good days), grabbing my light weights and getting in my Snatch Sexy Challenge workout. There are COUNTLESS benefits to exercising including improved brain function, happier moods (hello, endorphins!), and of course, a fit physique! Even if only for 10 minutes, just do it! 4) Surround Yourself With POSITIVE Nancies. We've all had a frenemy who is a negative nancy. Do yourself a favor and only allow people in your life who helps lift it higher! Release those who bring you down, who don't believe in your potential, who are terrified your growth means leaving them. If you don't have positive friends yet, trust me--being in your own company is better than drama!! Pray that the right friendships find you, and in the meantime, work on you. Did any of these tips resonate? If so, let me know on social, and share it with a mom friend! And before I go...some of you said you wanted to get Rafael something as a baby shower gift (*wipes tear--soooo sweet, thank you ladies!!) I created an online Target registry if you want to get our family something :) I'll be making an unboxing video so I can celebrate with you all and show you what came! And maybe an IG live if I can get Elvis to film! Hope you all have an amazing week! XO, Monica

  • DIY Clay Mask for Clear Skin

    Hey ladies! I recently tried a new face mask regimen and wanted to share the details! Lately, I've been looking into and trying more natural methods for clearing skin due to being pregnant and overall wanting a more natural, holistic lifestyle. After researching for hours, I found that this is a great simple DIY mask recipe for a home spa day! Added bonus--it's safe for kiddos too! Just be sure to do a spot test on skin before fully applying. Charcoal clay mask: Combine 2 tbsp bentonite clay, 2 tbsp of activated charcoal, and add water to create a paste. Bentonite clay is great for oily skin, detoxifying the skin, and creating an overall more vibrant appearance. Activated charcoal removes harmful bacteria from the skin, also aiding in natural detoxification and aids in a more flawless complexion. My skin usually acts pretty well, but when I'm pregnant, my hormones are all over the place, and I have to be more intentional with my regimen. I plan on continuing this mask regimen at least twice a week! Ariel loves the process, and the mask making was a fun bonding experience, so we'll definitely be doing this often! Tag me online if you try this with your little ones! @momswearheels XO, Monica

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