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Balancing Fitness as a Homeschooling Mom

I love homeschooling my four kids, but I'll be honest...sometimes it's just plain harrrrd to make time for everything else I'm passionate about--including my fitness routine.

But if you know know it's hard for me to simply quit on something I'm passionate about solely due to the fact that it's not convenient or easy.

With some time reflecting on how I could keep working towards my fitness goals as a busy mom, I realized I was in a season of my life where going to the gym while homemaking and homeschooling was simply NOT WORKING FOR ME.

I know because I tried it.

I joined a nearby gym when my youngest was 1 year old (it even had daycare!)

I woke early. Fed the kids. Got 'em (and me) dressed and presentable. Checked into the daycare. Worked out for 30 minutes or so. And picked them back up from gym daycare.

This rhythm lasted all of...a week or so before I realized I was overwhelmed and feeling a lack of peace. Doing all this was simply not sustainable for my family.

You see, sometimes it's not a lack of willpower that is the problem.

Often times, we simply need to discern what season we're in as mothers and make decisions aligned with that season to enjoy the journey with all the grace we need to accomplish what needs to be done.

So, in my efforts to:

  1. Continue homeschooling my 4 children and

  2. Take care of my mind, body, and spirit as a busy mother so I can, you know, have a full cup to do the above, I decided to:

Become a certified trainer so I could create my own short home workouts (all under 30 minutes--some even as short as 7 minutes!).

I realized I simply had to workout smarter, not harder.

So, no, I have not been in the gym for hours at a time to transform my body post baby. I did all my workouts at home, at the park, with my stroller--most while my kids were right there with me.

So here are a few tips I've learned along the way that'll help you in your busy season to still squeeze in time for your fitness goals:

Be reasonable.

Are you trying to keep up with the popular fitness influencer's gym routine but you have a nursing baby and demanding career? This season may not be the ideal time to copy her fitness routine. Instead, aim to...

Create a workout regimen that works for you and your family. Can you start with walks around the block with your newborn, babywearing or in the stroller? Can you get in a home workout while the kids watch Bluey? Can you get a 7 minute workout while your baby naps? I was able to lose all 40-50 pounds in my four pregnancies doing just this--getting creative and working out smarter not harder:

Aim to use weights combined with HIIT movements, and to have minimal rest between all sets. Many days postpartum, I couldn't finish the entire workout video from my Mommy Makeover Challenge. 'Manny would interrupt, wanting to nurse, or cuddle. So I would do my best to maximize my time in my workouts by going as hard as I could with--again--minimal rest. (Be sure to stretch when you have time!)

And finally for now...

Include your kids! My kids have each been working out with mama since they could walk. There is so much power in letting your kids see you workout. They learn by example what discipline and consistency can produce in your life. And now all my kids are little workout beasts! They even do my home workout videos with me (dumbbells and all!). #ProudMama

So, what tip do YOU have that helps you carve out time in your busy schedule for your workouts?

Help a mama out and share below.



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