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Pregnancy Announcement

After the storm, God puts a rainbow in the clouds

I'm still in a bit of shock as I write these words.

We are pregnant with baby #3!!!

So many thoughts and emotions run through your mind upon getting that first positive result on your test. All I remember was crying many tears, walking slowly in the living room to show Elvis the test, and us hugging for what felt like forever.

Each day, I've been grateful, and thanking God for the opportunity to carry life once again.

Now I can finally tell you all exactly why I've been taking a break from so much posting (and scaling back from my work load a bit):

Throwback to early in my pregnancy! I've been trying to take a photo each week!

Some of my primary pregnancy symptoms have been:

1. Nausea

This has been my only pregnancy that has left me feeling queasy from morning to night (morning sickness? How bout all-day-sickness?) It's only been a couple occasions when I actually lose my food if you know what I mean, but the nausea is no joke, and makes me feel like all I can do is sit down and lay low. Some things that have helped me with nausea so far is not letting myself get too hungry, and eating smaller meals. Thankfully, many of these symptoms I'm naming are not as dramatic anymore!!

2) Fatigue

"Fatigue"? More like--feel like being glued to my bed all day!!! "Fatigue" is simply an understatement for a pregnant mom already caring for 2 children. To add to pregnancy tiredness, my OB told me my blood work came back positive for anemia, and says this is another reason I've been so...darn...tired. She has me taking iron pills, but really, the best prescription for exhaustion is to rest! Some days, the house ain't so spotless, and that's ok! Thank the Lord!! Elvis has been helping me out with some of our chores.

3) Allergies

Okay, why didn't anyone tell me how bad allergies get here in beautiful Texas??? Like, omg. My allergies while pregnant have had me coughing, sneezing, and an overall congested mess. (Thanks, humidity). I'm taking Claritin, but honestly have not seen any improvement. Any suggestions??? Please do share.

4) The kids

Ariel and Eliel are so excited to have another baby! Everyday Eliel gets home from school, he rushes straight to my belly, rubs it, and asks how much the baby has grown. Ariel is already practicing being a big sister by taking great care of her baby dolls. I think the transition from two to three kids will be a smooth one.

5) Gender

We know the gender of the baby!! We will be sharing the video of how we found out very soon!

6) Workouts

I've been working out, on average, 2 days a week. Between my allergies, fatigue, and nausea, I'm really not worried about forcing myself to workout. I am praying I start to feel like myself-ish soon, so I can get back into training more consistently. I am doing the same workouts as before--weight training, dancing, walking, but I am using lighter weights and increasing reps.

I started showing early due to my cervix already being large (doc says it already "knows what to do")

There's a lot more to tell you guys, but I'll keep some of it for my first pregnancy vlog. Make sure you subscribe on my Youtube so you get all the updates!

Thank you--each and every one of you--for all your kind thoughts and wishes. Many of you who've followed my family know what we've gone through in terms of pregnancy that have really been challenging.

We are truly appreciate of being a part of such an awesome online family and community!!




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