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  • Join our Free 7 Day Smoothie Challenge!

    We love smoothies in our home. Like, love. Making smoothies has become a part of my everyday lifestyle since becoming a mom. I love them because of the sheer convenience. I mean, I get to pack in tons of antioxidants and minerals into my blender, and drink up the goodness while I accomplish one of the thousand things I need to do for the day. It's a beautiful thing! We love the lifestyle of drinking our fruits, veggies, seeds and more so much that we decided to invite you and your beautiful family in on the fun too! Here's some of the amazing benefits you can expect after our 7 day journey together: Increased energy Clearer skin Weight Loss (or weight management) Better digestion Better moods (we are what we eat) Let's... now get into the tips on how you can BOSS this MWH 7 Day Smoothie Challenge! 1. Hold a Family Meeting Sometimes the hardest part about changing your health for the better is the tribal pressure associated with staying where you are. Have you ever gone to family reunion and you're the only one choosing the salad and salmon and you are looked at like you have a second nose? The subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) cues are clear--what are you doing trying to change how it's always been done? That's going to make me uncomfortable. Don't do that! Then, we sabotage our goals to fit in and keep others comfortable. Sigh. Plan around any pushback. Hold a quick family meeting and let your kids, spouse, or whomever else you spend a lot of time with the deal-e-o. You are doing a 7 day challenge, incorporating a healthy smoothie everyday. Ask them to join you. Ask them to hold you accountable. Ask for support! 2. Make Fitness a Family Affair & A Lifestyle After you've announced your plan to the fam, invite your kids and partner to join in! Get them excited about the idea of making one simple change that leads to a longer life, more joy, and health. Mom, remember--you have power in your household. Your influence is not to be taken for granted; even if they don't join at first, your example will rub off on them. And, my hope is that after these next 7 days, you and your crew make smoothies and healthy living a lifestyle if you have not already. This is our one bodies, after all. Let's take care of them! 3. Reward Yourself Let your family members know that you all will celebrate once you complete the seven day smoothie challenge! This doesn't have to break the bank. You can get a few toys from the dollar store and surprise them with a "fun basket", or rent your favorite movie and break out the popcorn. You know your kids and partner. Try to get creative and inspire them by reminding them their reward is coming upon completion! 4. Plan Get all the goodies you'll need to win for the week. You'll need: bananas, frozen fruit, Greek yogurt, Hemp seeds, chia seeds, spinach, These are all optional: coconut water, honey (if you need to add sweetness; just use sparingly!), flax oil, and kale. Order everything you need and have your fridge stocked by Sunday. Also, plan what time during the day you'll have your smoothie. For us, the morning time is best, but do what works for you! The recipe is below. :) 5. Pair with a Program If you want to really maximize your results and you're ready to get toned up, pair our smoothie challenge with a workout program and clean eating meal plan. No, I don't eat clean 100% of the time; but we do make healthy living our lifestyle--eating clean 85% of the time (again, healthy living is a lifestyle for us, and we try to make it sustainable). I'm hosting the NEW MWH Fitness and Lifestyle Challenge and we are starting Monday along with the 7 day smoothie challenge if you're ready to go on beast mode! The challenge comes with full length workouts and much more. But warning: a healthier, happier lifestyle and toned physique will result. 6. Journal Your Progress Take a photo of yourself Sunday. Ask yourself: how do I feel? How's my energy, confidence, joy? Rate yourself 1-10 (10 being phenomenal). Make little notes throughout the week when you have time. On day seven, take another photo. Update your journal, rating again how you feel from 1-10. Feeling brave? Share it online and tag me! @momswearheels So are you ready? Let's do this as a community! Be sure to follow me on Instagram, and share your journey so I can re-post your progress and show you some love! And as promised, here's our recipe! MWH Green Goddess Smoothie 1 1/2 c water or coconut water 1 c frozen fruit 1 banana 2 c spinach 1 tbsp chia seeds 3 tbsp hemp seeds 3/4 c Greek yogurt Blend on high until smooth. Additional notes: *We get our protein from the hemp seeds and Greek yogurt. Grab organic if you can, if not, no worries! *If you prefer your smoothie thicker, use less water. Colder? Add ice cubes. *No, we don't use protein powders. If you want to, go for it! *We don't consider smoothies a meal replacement. We tend to pair our smoothies with our meals. *Aim to drink at least 8 ounces or more per smoothie. My smoothies are usually 32 ounces since I'm nursing and need the calories. Feel free to save excess in a tightly covered mason jar for 24 hours. *Have fun with changing the recipe to fit your needs! Ari, for instance, usually requests a slightly different smoothie with carrots. Be flexible and get creative. Alright team, here we go! We start Monday! Cheers to glowing skin, energy for days, long life and health. XO, Monica

  • Three Tips To Be A Healthier, Happier Mom Today

    Motherhood if a gift. The wiping of messy faces, picking up another spill, leaking breastmilk, reading and snuggling, getting a good sweat in with my homies, teaching my son his multiplication tables--I love it all. Some days are easier than others. Some days I lose my patience with the overwhelm and call for a much needed "mommy time out"--(even 1 minute of deep breaths and a quick prayer helps!) But I wouldn't trade the messiness of motherhood for anything. On this blog I share the tools and resources I use to do just that--be a healthy, happy (imperfect, messy) mom-so grab a cup of tea or coffee and let's dig into three tips I hope serves you in your most important ministry as a mom--motherhood. 1. Fight Overwhelm With Gratitude Homeschooling, working from home, and keeping my house tidy, while cluster feeding my nursing toddler is not an easy feat--it's definitely a balancing act. I love every part of being a homemaker, wife and mom, but I'd be lying if I said every moment was easy! On those challenging days, I remind myself how grateful I am to be able to do what I'm doing. I get to work from home. I get to homeschool my babies. I get to watch them grow every moment of the day! What do you get to do? Changing your perspective when you're overwhelmed is paramount. Refuse to let harder moments steal your joy. Practice praise, gratitude, and simply laughing it off when life gets messy. 2. Simplify Your Life This is one of my favorite mantras. I've gotten in the habit of decluttering as much as possible--in every area of my life. I only keep things in my home that are necessary, beautiful, fun or functional. I'm allergic to hoarding. Seriously! My husband calls me Wall-E--the cleaning robot from the film. I'm always removing items no longer needed, donating, organizing, and scaling back the unnecessary or burdensome. Being a good mom requires bandwidth, energy, space. We only have so much battery for all the people and things we love and need to do. Keep your spirits high and mind clear by aiming to keep your life, schedule, home, and activities as simple as possible. 3. Really Soak Up the Magic Moments Your baby smiles at you in a way that melts your heart. Your daughter hugs you and thanks you for being "such a good mommy". Your older child just nailed his spelling test you helped him prep for. The chores are done, emails and work caught up, and you get to enjoy a picnic while the birds chirp with the family. Don't rush these moments. Soak. Them. In. Moments like these are what make the harder moments in life so darn worth it. Enjoy it. Our kids will be grown and we'll be glad we did! What about you, mamas? What's your tip that helps you relish these beautiful days with our babies? Let me know on social. Love, Monica

  • Our Appearance on The Doctors | Multitasking Mom Tips

    Hey guys! Monica here. Life has been crazy busy. GOOD! But--(I mean, and)--busy! For this reason, I haven't been on the 'gram, or here on the blog too much, but I've missed you! And I know you, especially if you're a mother, can relate to that feeling of busy border lining overwhelm. We wake up and laundry, chores, home schooling, emails, text messages, our dreams, our husbands and partners, our souls, our work deadlines--so much pulls at our sleeves for our attention. This is the plight of the modern woman and mother. Whether you're a homeschooling, work from home, breastfeeding mom like me, or any other awesome combination of a modern mother, we are all busy. Life is full. Life is demanding. Life places many demands on our bodies, minds, and soul. But what a privilege it is to do this thing called life! What a privilege it is to get to wake up and create a life with your family. So, this day, and every day, I invite you to remind yourself how blessed you are. How appreciated you are by your tribe (even if they're too busy enjoying the life you co-create with them to say this). How awesome it is to consciously create a beautiful a multitasking mom. Which brings me to the video below. When the Doctors reached out and asked me to give my tips on how I "do it all", of course I agreed! This is exactly what I hope to help convey with my content, inspiration for other women and mothers like me; who are dedicated to becoming their most authentic, best selves for themselves and future generations. And disclaimer: Going after your dreams, becoming your best self, and being the best mom you can be AIN'T EASY! And any mom who claims it is, I assure you; ain't doing it right. I am highly imperfect and make mistakes daily! But I have peace knowing I am doing my best, and that my kids know and love the real me; their mom they chose in this lifetime. On this episode of The Doctors, the kids and I share how we construct our daily homeschooling gym "PE" class (just call me Coach Mom)--because moving everyday and staying healthy during this pandemic MATTERS! I also share my WHY; how I stay inspired to do all I do. I hope this video inspires you and your beautiful self to get creative and have fun moving with YOUR crew! Sending love your way, Monica

  • My Current Go-To Breakfast to Naturally Detox

    I love smoothies. It's no secret. Ever since having my oldest over 8 years ago, I got very into the overall convenience in making them, and ability to pack so much antioxidants in one fell swoop. Now more than ever, we need to take charge of our health. We need to eat to live vs living to eat. You've seen the news--you know what's going on! This is not the time to gorge on "comfort" foods, and let go of our glow goals. Nah. I challenge you to use this time as an opportunity to make healthy, positive changes. You ready, girl? Alright, here's the recipe (below). These ingredients are all naturally anti-inflammatory, packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to keep your skin glowing, clear any blemishes, give you energy, naturally aid in detoxing your body of toxins, and--of course--aid in giving you a healthy body! Moms Wear Heels Superfood Smoothie (contains affiliate links which I enable me to earn a commission at no additional cost to you). 1 1/4 c coconut water 1 c organic blueberries 1 1/2 c organic kale 1 c organic spinach 2 tsp spirulina 1 scoop Amazing Trio 1 banana 2 tbsp hemp seeds 2 tbsp flax seeds 1 c cilantro 1 heaping tbsp manuka honey Blend all the ingredients until smooth and enjoy!! Need more tools to become your best self as a mom? Then check out these resources: Monica's Book 7 Habits of a Healthy Happy Mom Snatch Sexy Challenge My name is Monica Bencomo, and I'm author, TV personality, and a full time fitness and lifestyle coach for women and moms. I have and homeschool three kids, and LOVE finding new and creative ways to workout with them and finding ways to make motherhood fun. I gained 60 pounds all three pregnancies and lost the weight and transformed using my custom workouts in my Snatch Sexy Program I created for busy women and moms like me. My passion is providing others, particularly mothers, with tools I wish I'd learned earlier in life to live authentically, creatively, and with health and joy.

  • 3 Foods to Avoid To Lose Belly Fat

    Hey mamas! How is December going for you so far? GREAT I hope. :) A few of you who've joined my latest challenge have asked me many questions concerning FOOD. And I get it. The fitness industry can complicate the HECK out of a subject that should be quite simple. My method? Eat what makes me feel good (the majority of the time). And avoid what gives me the 'itis (a slang term used to define lethargy following a big, typically unhealthy meal). I aim to eat healthy 80% of the time, and 20% of the time, I treat myself to my faves! Here are the foods I avoid to lose belly fat, stay healthy, and glow up: -White, processed flour (white breads, muffins, cereals, white tortillas) -Flavored, non fat/low fat yogurt -Sodas or juice I substitute these for: -Sprouted grain breads such as Ezekiel -FULL FAT, PLAIN yogurt (aim for organic to avoid those added hormones!) -Filtered water and carbonated water These three substitutions ALONE will have you glowin' up in no time, girl! I'm talking clearer skin, more energy, flatter tummy, a more snatched waist. #YASSS Ready to take this to the next level and REALLY commit? Then I invite you to join me as we walk into the second week of the MWH GLOW UP CHALLENGE! #WhoopWhoop! Get the workouts, meals, and glow up tips you need to look and feel like YOUR best self. This challenge will not be available much longer, so if you feel inspired to join me, do so now! I can't wait to continue getting great results with you, beauty! Sending love your way, Monica

  • 5 Easy Tips to Become a Healthier, Fit You TODAY

    To the mom who just opened this: I get it. You're busy. You have children to take care of. Work to do. Chores to get done. And lately, fitness posts on social are, quite frankly, gettin' on your nerves because, like, do we really need another thing to do in our already busy lives? Well, friend, I'm here to offer another perspective here along with my 5 tips below on how you can feel better today: how about we look at our health and fitness journeys from this vantage point: that we get to take care of our bodies? That working out doesn't have to always feel like a chore...That today we woke up blessed with breath in our bodies, so why not care of our mind/body/soul with intention? So that when we're old mamas in heels, we can look back with gratitude, not regret? And we can still run and play with not only our children, but great grandchildren as well? Alright. Now that we have things into perspective on why setting fitness goals is still a very important part of our daily lives, let's get to the how. 5 Tips To Help You Look & Feel Better TODAY Drink 1/2 Your Body Weight In Ounces of Water For instance, if you're 150 pounds, you want to be drinking at least 75 ounces of water. And here's my MWH tip: pour it all out as soon as you wake up in the a.m. and drink a BIG gulp before coffee. You've been sleeping the past 7 hours (or 3 if you're a mom of littles like me), and your body is thirsty; it needs hydration. Trust me, your body will thank you. You'll feel less bloated, and eventually your skin will start to glow and clear too. Add Greens to Each Meal Whether I'm making one of my signature Green Goddess smoothies (which I always share on my Insta stories), or eating one of my MWH approved dinners, I always try to have tons of leafy green spinach and/or kale on my plate. Why? Well, these veggies are packed with antioxidants, aid in digestion; which in turn keeps your weight down and again--helps your skin to glowww. Whenever people compliment my complexion and they ask me my "secret", I tell them greens and AGUA! And PS: be AWARE that spinach is on the dirty dozen list. So, aim to buy it organic when you can. Move Your Body I don't care if you want to dance. Or jog around your neighborhood. Or chase your kids for 20 minutes in the backyard. Or, if you're like me, all that mixed in with some weight training! What I do care about as a certified trainer is that you consistently move your physique for 20 minutes (on average) or more everyday. Of course, you don't want to lift very heavy every 7 days in a week. Your body needs time to rest. But I am a firm believer that our bodies were created to MOVE. So, pick a program. Put on one of my videos. C'mon girl! You won't regret it. And your body (and mood) will thank you. Go Within Do you have 5 minutes? Yes. You have 5 minutes. Take what I call a Mommy Time Out. Ask your partner (or wait until your babes are asleep), and go within. Take slow, deep breaths in through your nose out through your mouth. Put on some calming music. And relax. Listen. Just try to clear your mind of the clutter. When annoying thoughts like (oh I need to send that text, or I need milk) pop up in your mind, politely, but firmly, tell your mind to shut it. As mothers, we're already thinking too much. Enjoy some time with just you and God. Write a Gratitude List We live in a culture of MORE, MORE, MORE!! And while I'm not against dreaming big, I believe it's equally, if not more important to look around your beautiful life and find as many things to be grateful for about first. I you have food in the fridge? A good friend you laugh with til you cry? Children who adore you? A job? A career? A dream? Then, honey, you better count those blessings! Best part about it? Gratitude is free! YOU own it. And it's THE way to feel Alright, friends, I hope this list helped you. But I am going to challenge you to really PUT IT TO WORK. I'm grateful you read the blog, but also-- use the tools! So...what are you going to do right now? Pour your water? Write your gratitude list? Snap a photo and tag me on social sharing what tip is your favorite; I'll repost you if I see it! PS: I am also a firm believer that failure to plan means planning to fail. And we are winners. Right? So, if you need tools--workouts, my recipes, etc. to get your most fit as a busy mom, then keep on readin'. ...I am beyond pumped because today we are kicking off my latest fitness and lifestyle challenge. I called it the Glow Up Challenge because when I think of glowing up, I think of a woman shining. A woman who is self-actualized. A woman who is healthy from the inside out. And if you're ready to feel like that, then join me the next thirty days. You'll receive: Full length workout videos designed to help you get fit in under 25 minutes a day Recipes list Beauty tips & More Access to private community Get all the tools you need to succeed. All I ask is for your commitment! Ready? Then join us here. Love you all! Until next post, Monica

  • My 5 Secrets to Help Banish Mommy Guilt

    I was sitting down nursing Rafael, and was hit with that annoying, pesky feeling. You know, that sinking feeling... Mom guilt. Ugh. The funny part is, I was feeling guilty in advance for something I hadn't even done yet--a workout I had planned on doing the night before. And the thoughts hit me like a ton of bricks: Shouldn't you be doing something else instead, like unpacking, organizing, etc? Good moms just let their own "selfish" needs go...isn't working out a luxury? And the thoughts continued. Thankfully, I am very used to coaching myself out of this type of mom guilt thinking. It's the work I do with many of my clients, and as a wise man once said, "We teach that which we need most." So, before I finish my nursing session and MWH Membership workout video of the day, allow me to share with you my secret tools I use to reverse the mental curse called Mommy Guilt. You ready? L'EGGO. My 5 Secrets to Banish Mommy Guilt Let Guilt Teach You Are you spending enough time with your beautiful babies? Or has work, social media, marriage, dating, your own personal goals completely blinded you to the blessings you have right in front of you? Many mom experts are quick to completely absolve mothers for ever feeling guilt. Not me. Sometimes, it's a useful emotion that helps us snap out of the spell that places our priorities out of alignment. So, before I move on to my other tips, I always start here. I am honest with myself and ask, "Guilt, what are you trying to teach me in this moment? Do I need to shut off all social media and just play with my kiddos all day?" Let a sister know!!! Then, I respond accordingly. Be KIND to Yourself Once you do an honest inventory on your priorities and you feel you have them sorted out, girl--give yourself a break. I'm sure you aim to be the best mom you can be. Don't beat yourself up. That does not help your kids or you feel better. Instead, remember that as long as you're breathing, you have another chance to get it right! Amen! So, give yourself a hug. Realize you may be learning to parent a better way than what you were modeled and given as a child, and you need to be kind to yourself for that reason. You're doing amazing. Remember Your Being Full Serves Them Too Have you ever met a mom who was just mean to her kids? Or was totally dismissive to them? It breaks your heart, right? Well, I believe that when this happens, when parents are mean to their kids, it has a lot to do with their own lack of contentment, joy, or peace in their own hearts. It has to do with their own unlived dreams that still simmer with disappointment. Our unlived dreams as mothers can haunt us if we're not careful, and we can take that pain out on those closest to us if we are living unconsciously. So, remember that when you discipline yourself to chase your dreams as a mom (while being the best mom you can be), this fills your cup, which, in turn, benefits the family! When I'm fired up about a new client I'm coaching and the results I see her getting, or a new project I'm working on for my community (like my Glow Up Challenge starting soon! #shamelessplug), I feel jazzed baby. I feel inspired. I feel like my life has meaning--both as a mother and homemaker and as an INDIVIDUAL. So, fill your own cup, and let it pour out into your family, mama. Motherhood NOT Martyrdom What kind of mom did you have? Did she take time to exercise, eat well, meditate, pray, chase her dreams? If so, did this negatively or positively impact you? If she didn't, do you wish she had? Hmmm.... Ponder on this, seriously--because I had to remind myself this after this morning's nursing session with Rafael--that deep down, our children want us as mothers to be strong examples, not martyrs. And that my daughter is watching. Ariel is learning how to mommy by watching her mommy. And I want her to care for her body, mind, and soul when she makes me a grandma, so I'd better do so myself. Plan Magic Mommy Moments I first heard this phrase from Tony Robbins, and I thought it was brilliant. The idea is this: that regardless of how busy your day is, you plan time--sacred time--that is just for each child. Turn the phones off. Shut the distractions out. And carve out 10 or more minutes of an activity each child LOVES to do. For instance, Ariel's magic mommy moments with me are always playing with dolls on the floor. Eliel's? Playing tag or soccer in the backyard. Rafael's? Peek-a-boo or my getting my 34 year old self on the floor crawling with him. The important thing to remember here is that the child gets to choose the activity, he or she LOVES it, and that you, mom, are completely involved by being in the present moment. No thinking about work, or chores or how silly you look. No. Let your own inner child OUT during magic mommy moments, and ... HAVE FUN!! So, there you have it, friend. These are some of my secret tools I use to banish my mommy guilt. Which one was your favorite? Tag me on social and let me know, and thank you for sharing this post with your community! And if you want more tips to find more balance as a multitasking mom? Watch my TEDx video. Love you all! ________________________________________________________________________________________ Ready to banish guilt and become the best version of you as a mom? Then join my challenge--we start after Thanksgiving!! Workouts, recipes, lifestyle tips to be the most beautiful, fit, happy YOU. JOIN HERE!

  • The Power in Moms Going After Their Dreams

    What comes to your mind when you imagine yourself going after your dreams as a mother? Do you imagine culture's idea of chasing destiny? You know, the Pinterest-worthy images of moms posing next to six figure cars, in their million dollar mansions (which, by the way, only show the financial by-product of "success"; not success in and of itself). Or... do you go within, Partner with God, and get into alignment with your Purpose? Hmmm... For me, this has to be the starting point in any man, woman, or mother deciding to be courageous enough to go after the dreams in her heart. Once you have decided, hopefully, the latter (partnering with God as opposed to following the culture), then the fun work begins. We get to design a vision that excites us. That is so illuminating and inspiring we find the discipline to wake up and grind towards it along with the exhausting, fulfilling role that is being a mother. Along with the breastfeeding, changing diapers, cooking, disciplining, investing in our know, along with raising the next generation... After we design a vision with God, I do have to warn you: opposition will come. People, your own inner critic, those close to you you would have hoped would support you, trolls on the internet? They'll come for you. Mainly because they are dissatisfied with surpressing their own God-given gifts and dreams. They'll scream: Who do you think you are? You're a bad mom. You are selfish. *Sigh. Moms, know that as long as you are taking care of business in YOUR home, i.e. your children are happy, they feel seen, they are well fed, the home (although not perfect) is clean, etc., you not only CAN go after a dream of yours, but you are robbing the world of your gifts if you don't! There are women out there who need only what YOU can share. This is DESTINY. So, do yourself a favor, ignore the haters. Let God be your vindicator. Trust me when I tell you this: if going after your dreams as a mom were easy, everyone would be doing it. And, side note: Going after your dreams will not look the same as anyone else's path (especially if you're choosing to partner with Kingdom over culture). For some moms, going after their dreams means they plant the garden of their dreams. For others, it's running a successful, six figure blog. Maybe it's homeschooling your kids in a way that just feels right. For other mamas, it'll be taking a ballet class every Wednesday just because it makes them feel happy and alive. Maybe for you, it's baking the most delicious desserts for your family. And if you're multi-passionate like me, it might involve a bit of all the above! I don't know what dreams keep you up at 3 am. But I have homework for you that'll help you get into divine alignment with your specific call on your life, and help you develop the courage to start or continue. Ready? Okay. Get those beautiful babies to sleep. You know, bath time, read them a story, pray with them, and let them fall into sweet slumbering bliss. THEN. Pour yourself a tea. Get real cozy. Do some deep, diaphragm breathing to calm your nerves. Once you feel calm, ask yourself: What work would I create if I knew I couldn't fail? What work do I wish I saw more of online? What work do I want my grandchildren to see that you, I, grandmama who wears heels, created? And let your imagination roam free. Shut that voice up that says, "Yeah, but how though?" This step is all about finding clarity. The how will come. Next, grab a pen and paper and write down some of the images you meditated on that lit your up inside. And promise yourself you'll do something / towards the fulfillment of those dreams...even if only 5 minutes a day! Because doing so will lead to more peace. More meaning in your life. More integrity. More power. More joy. And guess who benefits from mom feeling more lit up from the inside out? Yep. The same people society tried to convince you that you'd be robbing from by doing so. Your family. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Need more tips on balancing life as a mom with chasing your dreams in heels? Check out my TEDx talk. And share this post on your social media and let your community know: I can be a great mom AND go after my dreams too! Keep shining, mom. Until next blog! Monica

  • How To Get Your Motivation Back (Even During Quarantine)

    I started off 2020 FIRED UP, y'all. Then all you-know-what hit the fan. I definitely needed time to adjust to the "new normal". (As I think we still all are and will continue to have to do!) But that fire I had in January? It's still there. Pandemic or not: We still have lives, dreams, babies, families. So, we have two choices: We can give into the fear or anxiety we may feel about the unknown...OR... We can choose to focus on (still) becoming the best versions of ourselves. I am choosing the latter. Why? Because we are going to get through these uncertain times. We are going to come out of this. And we can come out of this better or worse. So. Here are a few tips you can use to (still) become your best self: even in the midst of a pandemic!! 4 Tips to (still) Become Your Best Self Have goals, girl One of the keys to keeping motivation is having a clear sense of direction. When you wake up, do you have at least three goals you are actively reaching for? (Example: lose ten pounds, find a job, start a blog). Having goals gives you energy, passion, and direction in life so you aren't just waking up responding to everyone else's agenda. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your journal, and write down as many goals as you can that light you up inside. Then narrow it down to 3 of your most juicy ones. Make a plan Someone once said, "A goal without a plan is just a wish". I couldn't agree more. I am a big dreamer, but all the dreams in the world won't produce the manifestation. It's important we discipline ourselves to write down not only what we desire for our lives, but a concrete list of actionable steps to help us get there. For instance, if your goal is to lose 10 pounds, your action list could be: workout 3 days a week to (fill in the blank's) workout videos 20 minutes. Start my morning off with a green smoothie. Stop eating within 3 hours of sleep. Be specific. See this season as an opportunity We always have a choice in life. We may not always be able to control what happens around us, but we can control how we respond. Let's choose to see this season as an opportunity. Why? Because perception is everything. So--what goggles are you using to view your amazing life today? Are you looking around and seeing everything that is wrong, or everything that can (and is) going right? Adjust your perceptions as needed. Invite yourself to see the opportunity embedded within your challenges. Regardless of what happens, you will come out stronger, wiser, and a better you. Take care of your health I've had people write me saying they "just can't" with the workouts....that I'm putting too much pressure on moms...yada yada. Listen. I am NOT here to put unnecessary burdens on you, whether you are a mom or not. But I AM A COACH. It's in my DNA. So, I want to challenge you so you grow! If you want a community where you are pushed to become your best self? I'm your girl. But if you want someone to tell you to settle in your life because deep down, they are insecure you'll pass them up, I'm not your girl. (Okay, now that the disclaimer is out of the way): I create short, effective workouts that even the busiest multitasking mom can do because I understand. I have empathy for the supremely busy mom. I mean--I stay home with three kids while homeschooling, nursing, and running a business. I get it! But mamas--without our health, how can we possibly show up as leaders for our family? How can we possibly have energy to go after our dreams if our health suffers? Being healthy and happy starts from the inside out. Eliminate negative people from your life, drink your water, eat your veggies, move your body, and try to sleep enough. Don't aim for perfection. Just aim for progress! You can get free workouts here if you need some. Or, if you need more, you can join my Membership for all my resources to become your best self. My hope for you is that you don't abandon your goals you started the year off with. Dare to still dream even if you are the only one "crazy" enough to in your circle. Seriously, what have you got to lose? Sending love your way, Monica

  • Full Length Stroller Workout to Tone Entire Body

    Hey Mamas! Monica here. If you've been following me a while, you know I love stroller workouts. Like--love. Getting fresh air, feeling the sun on your skin, enjoying the family, and toning up? Win-win-win-win! So...I dare ya! Want to feel more energetic, strong, happy, and healthy? The next time you're out with your fam, try these moves! But warning! A more fit physique will result. :) Be sure to scroll at the bottom of this page and subscribe for more! Love you all! Monica

  • To the Mom Who is Feeling Pressured and Overwhelmed

    The pumped breastmilk falls on the floor while you're trying to send that report to your colleague on 3 hours of sleep. The dishes need to be washed and you still haven't called that family member you've been meaning to call... You look down at your nails and sigh, girl we need to learn how to do a DIY manicure quick! Your daughter asks if you can play dolls with her again, and as much as you want to, you almost feel guilty (shouldn't I be working?)... If we're honest, we've all been there. Some weeks go by so smooth you'd think they were peanut butter. And other weeks have a bit more demand on your body, mind and soul. And regardless which one of these categories you may find yourself in this day, week, or YEAR-- I just wanted to hop on here to say: "HEY YOU! YES YOU. Mom who is balancing 15 jobs at once. You are amazing and HIGHLY undervalued. Keep doing the right things in your home and life even when no one is watching. Keep making time to love on your family, and do your best in every area of your life. Because there most definitely IS someone watching ;). And His approval matters more than anything else. AND. Be sure not to let the pressure of perfection rob you of the joy that is being a mother. Every time I start to fall in the trap thinking I need to be everything to everyone simultaneously, I remind myself that: Pleasing everyone all the time is NOT my job. God trusted me with three souls to rear, raise, and nurture. And as long as I'm consistently partnering with God to sort and manage my priorities, I am confident I CAN do all through Him who strengthens me. So...what about you? What has been tugging at your heart lately? Do you need to remove some unnecessary burdens from your shoulders? Do you need to pat yourself on the back for the awesome work you've been doing? Do you need to put the phone on airplane mode and just PLAY with your kids for an hour, being silly? I'm offering a friendly reminder that when we're 90, we're never going to regret the time we spend enjoying our beautiful babies. So, take care of business, mama, but before the day is done, have some magic mommy moments with those amazing humans you helped bring into this world. Sending love your way, Monica

  • 3 Habits For Busy Families to Be Healthy and Fit

    Hey friends! Ariel and I here. I get tons of questions on my Insta pertaining to food... "Girl...what do y'all eat? I need help getting my kids to eat well!" While I do store all of my recipes under my private fitness membership, I want to share with you some ideas that have served me tremendously when it comes to eating healthy in my home. As a busy homeschooling mom of three, when it comes to healthy eating I aim to: 1) Keep our food choices simple (except for days when dad, Elvis, who is an award winning chef cooks for us! The kids agree, his food is just better) :) 2) Create healthy versions of our family favorites (instead of store bought or delivery pizza, we make our own with whole grain tortillas, veggies, and cheese for example). 3) Keep our food consistent and create traditions around our favorite meals (Friday is pizza night; Sundays are for pancakes!) I find that creating routines and predictability with family traditions helps tons with kids overall sense of peace--they know what to expect which comforts them; providing stability. My goal as a certified trainer and coach is to continue to offer tips to help other mamas live healthy, happy lives that have served me and my family. It makes me SO happy when I see one of my client's healthy choices creating a ripple effect; inspiring her kids and husband to make healthy choices too. So--here are a few tips that I hope inspire you to continue to be the best version of yourself in your home! 3 Habits to Stay Healthy as a Family: Know your power and influence in your household! You, mom, have the ability to inspire your kids to eat like superheroes (one of my secrets of how I get Eliel to guzzle his green smoothies--do you want feel strong and healthy like Spiderman? Works every time). Don't waste your influence. Be the star of your kid's life, and inspire them to live happy, healthy lives. And secondly... Practice what you preach. Kids are smart. They sense and strongly dislike hypocrisy. Aim to eat how you want them to eat when they're adults. I cannot expect my kids to eat their broccolli if I'm sneaking fast food behind their backs. Let's inspire our families to choose well by being their example. I'm farrr from perfect (obvi), but ask my kids and husband and they'll tell you: every morning I'm blending one of my signature green smoothies and ranting again why we choose natural foods as often as possible over manufactured ones in our household. Change one thing today for the better Don't get overwhelmed by trying to be a fitness guru today. Can you make just one micro change that'll lead to progress? Here's some ideas: can you pour all your water out in the morning and ensure you drink it all before bed? Can you swap our soda or sweet tea for green tea? Can you make a green smoothie every morning as a new habit? Just pick one thing. That's all I'm requesting. And commit to it. Trust me--you will begin to see the positive results from that one micro shift and will inevitably be inspired to make more positive changes. In life, time is either our enemy or friend. The choices we make today are either investing in our wellness, or making withdrawals in it. I hope this post has encouraged you to continue to make a healthy choices so you can have energy, joy, and health to be the woman you are meant to be. Feeling inspired but need resources to become your most fit, healthy, happy self? Workouts, recipes, etc.? Learn my secrets of how I lost 60 pounds three times in the comfort of my own home by applying to join my fitness and lifestyle membership. Love you all!! Let's make it an amazing week. Monica

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